Flesh Golem

The Broken Man's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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I'm running a much modified Age of Worms game. After a few short days in Diamond Lake the characters (not locals and not 1st level), have:

1. Broken into (yet ran off) the observatory.
2. Inadvertently arranged for the murder of the head priest of the temple of St.Cuthbert.
3. Spread malicious rumors regarding Balabar Smenk.
4. Befriended Kullen
5. Antagonized Khelleck, but became friendly with Tirra.

They are currently exploring the Whispering Cairn. When they return to town one of the members, masquerading as a foreign noble is scheduled (by invitation) to attend a dinner with the governor.

Though this is mostly a spotlight scene for only one character, I'm considering playing it up by having the other players play roles at the dinner party.. My plan is to hand each a short character description and goal.

My hope is to introduce a few local npcs and to do a little foreshadowing. So far, I am thinking:

Shag Soloman: Playing up the fake aristocrat angle and laying groundwork,for his appearance in Redhand.
Allustan Neff: the players haven't met him yet.
Chaum Gansworth: challenge player to Dragon chess and size him up for the future.
A noble from the region bordering the Mist Marsh, looking for help from the Diamond Lake Garrison (lizard men problems).

Any other ideas? Or am I just asking for trouble. My players are reasonably strong players, but this would be an experiment.

Crank wrote:
Bump -- let's give this another try. :)

I listened to all four episodes today. Excellent work. I hope you keep them coming. The audio quality is good and the table chatter is kept to a minimum. Actual Play's can often be difficult to listen to, but the disciplined way you've approached this makes it accessible and fun.