The Bloody Maw's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for Mike Lindner.


The Exchange

I agree that it very much depends on why one might suspect I am not what I appear to be. Is it that I appear too sure of myself to be just a beggar on the street? Or perhaps the way I decry "the end is nigh" as I stab your kidney is too similar to the local indigent?

The Exchange 5/5

Diri Lizzenbettolze wrote:

Diri shrugs.

"Whereas the following Fireday has festivities up to and possibly surpassing multiple tables of entertainment-based program activities and a thematic focus on bardic performance one cannot exclude the probability that a greater time can be had by all should you decide that the optimal expenditure of time is attendance of a convention of likeminded individuals spent rigorously testing the bounds of probability and the bonds of camaraderie and the bombs of alchemy concurrent to each other in an orderly attack on the lack of boredom whilst solidifying the necessity of attendance for the purposes of overflowing the capacitance of the arena segment dedicated to studies both probabilistic and regular ballistic up to and including platonic solids of as many as 20 sides for the advancement of both science and entertainment it should be noted that the convention stretches in duration past both night cycles expiring not until nearly evening on the third day when the morning star slinks beneath the westernmost horizon of the Ralston Arena so even should your scientific responsibilities keep you from punctual attendance your presence on anywhere from the 29th of Gozren until the event concludes on the serial-positioned day of Desnus will still be greatly appreciated in Brigh's name."

See you there!

It's also a good way to pass the time while waiting for the end of all things.