![]() ![]()
It does
Also: Thank you Pupsocket for that. I was not aware of that.
I did always love Trip. Just flinging people to the ground. ![]()
Note: I'm putting this at lv. 20, which may not fully show how powerful it is, given how Wizards can own the universe at lv. 16 and up. Anyways.
The Mammoth Rider Prestige Class allows for some pretty nasty mounts.
With Pounce while charging(Spirited Charge included) I do triple damage four times with my lance while raging for superb damage. My mount attacks, first two claws are nothing shabby, until it gets its bite. With a+2 Size modifier, all that strength, and handy bonuses from Improved and Greater Trip, the opponent is now prone and has provoked an attack of oppurtunity. Something I read in the core rulebook stated that provoked attacks work for all opponents who threaten said opponent, therefore:
In essence, once the enemy is down, they do not get up again... ever. ![]()
Personally I think you should have a Luck Pool function as the Monks Ki Pool.
Thank you for your input, and I've edited accordingly.(-2/-2)
Irritating Boxer(Goblin, Monk)
Alignment: Any Chaotic Haymaker:
Cheap Shot:
Irritating Avoidance:
Low Blows in a Row:
So What'd y'all think?
Here we go.
The Aboleths, whether or not this is canon, have always been portrayed to be by my DM as the kind of masterminds who rule the ocean depths. In addition, who else usually dwells down in those deep ocean trenches? Shoggoths. I was given the impression Aboleths kept them as a sort of pet, feeding them useless slaves, etc...
Yes indeed. The Magical fusion of slaves(mostly human) and Shoggoths.
Here we go. Shoggothites are a grotesque site at worst, and at best a sickening blight to the eyes. Appearing as very tall, thick-skinned creatures. Resembling largely humans, with areas of skin constantly shifting and...oozing, in dark grey patches where various sensory organs form and reform constantly.(Couldn't find a picture even CLOSE to my description)
Despite their imposing appearance, most prefer a nonviolent existence. Even though they despise being slaves under the Aboleths, those who escape usually do similar work they did under slavery, possessing intelligence that, on average, is too low to truly perform specialized jobs, and as such prefer to simply become pseudo homesteaders if they escape and move to the surface. Most who do escape head straight for the surface immediately, wanting a life out of the darkness and bondage. Being of creation by Aboleths, much like the Gillmen, most expect them to require water to breathe, but Shoggothites do not breathe water, nor do they truly breathe at all in the conventional sense. The patches of grey upon their bodies filters oxygen straight from the air or water, and their part-ooze bodies don't dry out due to filtering moisture from the air as well, or just absorbing it from the water. Even the dryest of air has enough moisture to keep a Shoggothite alive, albeit at minor discomfort.
Whenever a Shoggothite bothers to worship, usually they worship their Fathers, the Shoggoth whose essence spawned them.
Most Shoggothites who go adventuring prefer classes with set principles and functions. Things with schedule. Most become Monks, though some with the grace become Paladins, and a few talented enough and filled with enough of the magic and combined power of both the Aboleth Magic and the Shoggoth's fury become Sorcerers. However, those who lived under slavery too long often become hateful of law and order, and become violent outlaws, usually of a Chaotic Neutral Alignment, and are usually Barbarians. However, as a whole Shoggothites are a Lawful Neutral or a Lawful Good Race, few becoming evil as they disdain reminding themselves of the Aboleths. Humanoids with the Shoggothite subtype Racial Traits:
Base Speed: 20ft(Slow and Steady), Swim 20ft(+8 Racial) Languages: Aklo, any Human Language, Undercommon, Common Deep Sight: Can see perfectly in the dark up to 120ft, and in the ocean waters, gain See In Darkness, even if the darkness is not entirely or partially in the water. Countless Eyes: Shoggothites constant sensory organs forming on patches of their skin give them an effective way to avoid those attempting to catch them off guard. +4 Perception Offensive Racial Traits:
Sticky: +2 on Checks made to Grapple, opponents take -2 on Escape Artist checks after the fact. Defense Racial Traits:
Weakness Racial Traits:
Cacophony: Shoggothites, like their Fathers, make confounding, confusing noises when they speak, and thus, take a -2 to Diplomacy checks, unless the listener succeeds at a DC 15 Linguistics check to discern words, this is assuming they share a common language at all.
Next Homebrew coming next week! |