The4TimeTravelers's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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USE IE... believe me Chrome is a pain with this download process. Err_Time-Out

I have been trying with Chrome since day one and finally caved back to using IE thanks to this forum. 30 minutes later I have all of my $1 pledge PDF and free gifts.

I will finally consider my $25 pledge upgrade. :)


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It is in fact a Chrome issue for me. I have been attempting to download in Chrome for days and have had no success until I read this post and retried my download in IE. IE seems to have a longer default timing out period while waiting to establishing secure connections. Thanks Joana & Cibo for the info.

deltreey wrote:
yes, I'm seeing this as well. I appreciate the header to make us aware. Any idea when would be a good time to attempt these downloads?

Common Paizo its 2016 and you need not run servers on DSL in a garage, we need more servers fired up in the cloud! I will not purchase the full bundle until I can at least download one PDF for god sake and check out if I want the full Humble Bundle for $25. Your loosing people interest with the indefinite personalizing link BS not to mention loosing charity money for willing people!