That Guy With the Fox |

Heyo Pathfinder peeps!
I've been running a game on JTV called the Quest for Hickory Dunger:
I'm a bit stuck as to how to proceed with one of my player's background. He was a part of the ShadowPack Druids in Arthfell, and I've been hoping for more Andoran stuff to flesh out an encounter with the werewolves in Arthfell. Unfortunately, not yet. So, I'm looking to you peeps to help me flesh out more about the werewolves of Arthfell.
Ideas I'm experimenting with:
1) Small "Tribes" of werewolves run by shadowpack druids to keep them secret and safe as their numbers increase.
2) The backstory to the Night of Silver Blood, what led to the discovery of their immunity to silver, what caused the deaths of so many werewolves, can they possibly bounce back and do it again?
3) What sort of nasty werewolves could I use? Give me some ideas! Keep in mind this is a group of 4-5 level 10 party.
EDIT: Also! They are about to finish Hungry are the Dead! That means there needs to be other places where the Shining Crusade hid their arcane seals trapping the Whispering Tyrant. Any possible hotspots that might be cool to do? Perhaps having to do with Runelords? Fangwood?