Jeb Graden

ThatGuyMac's page

Goblin Squad Member. 16 posts (18 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

I am trying to find an experienced DM to run a one-shot for my wife's birthday on Sunday 6/14. The group would be about 6 people of varying but low experience levels.

Willing to hire out for the right person. Hoping to find someone "in practice" that can keep the day light and fun but on-pace. Please let me know if you are interested.

Open to discussing terms and system as long as the day is fun.

Hello everyone. I'm looking for some ideas on how to play more DnD/etc, but there is a rambling intro full of info first. Sorry for the long post.

My wife and I recently decided we want to play DnD, and subsequently fell in with a local PRPG group (closing in on 6 months of playing now). We love the game we are in and are becoming good friends with our DM and the other players. We're getting to a point where we'd like to play a bit more, but have scheduling problems. Sunday is pretty much tied up with our current game, and there is no way I could block out enough play time to make a weeknight worth it. There are a few groups around, but I'm not sure that we can commit to a second group of players, and I would feel like a schmuck just floating in and out. I have heard of a few other options, but don't really understand all the details:

1) Living DnD/Pathfinder Society: What's the point and what's the difference. If I'm able to find one of these around does it suit on-again/off-again availability?
2) Play-by-Post: What are the typical expectations here? Constant board monitoring, 1hr/night, etc. I don't consider myself to be a munchkin, but I do have a hard time letting go of the math sometimes. Will the format cause me issues?
3) Play by chat: I seem to remember hearing that there are gameplay chat rooms, or possibly an online client that fully simulates the game table. What's up here, and how do these folks connect?

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read, and for any help you can give.
