Belkar Bitterleaf

Thanatos95's page

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Milo v3 wrote:
21) In the womb before you were born, your body assimilated your twin's body with your own. Even though this caused her to never be born, her soul happened to already be in her body, causing it to partially merge with your own flesh and hide within your undeveloped mind.

Beyond: Two Souls anyone?(although that game could be considered the spiritualist in a nutshell)

27.) You wanted power. The demon offered power. You didn't realize what a horrible mistake you made until the demon possessed your body and squeezed your soul out. Now, still tethered to your body, you are forced to serve your new master. You are the phantom, and he is you.

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I have been playing this combo in a homebrew campaign and i find it to be quite powerful. I took a katana as my weapon and it makes me the partys best damage dealer. In addition, i have the best initiative and AC, dispite not wearing armor due to kensai bonuses.

The spellcasting loss is not that big a deal, i still have enough spell slots to load up useful spells like shocking grasp, but I found it beter to focus on buff spells rather than blasts. One of the best spells I found myself using was monstrous physique 1, turning into a gargoyle. It gave me improved Str, armor, extra natural attacks, and flight.

My primary Damage output came from combining the bladebound and normal magus weapon enhancing arcanas. I was level 8, yet in combat my sword would easily become a +5 keen with just a swift action. The reduced arcana points hurt some, but you also have less things to spend it on due to kensai removing some arcanas.

All together, I had a lot of fun playing as as robe wearing death dealer. (in one combat i OHKO'd a T-rex using this guy...)

The only real issue is everyone else at the table making Bleach references when i attack.

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Something i've been wondering about the greater versions portal. Does the portal have to be in a fixed location? Or can it be anchored to something mobile? For example could i put it in a simple cloth sack to create the biggest bag of holding ever? Or better yet, in a blue wooden box that has a permanent fly spell on it...

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meabolex wrote:
It's not much of a combo, but rainbow pattern + acid pit. You can potentially lead many bad guys into a pit all at once. . .

Only if they have long hair and tie-dyed clothes...

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153: An alien space ship never crashes in roswell new mexico in 1947. The military never reverse engineers modern technology from it. Conspiracy nuts have nothing to occupy their time and run for public offfice instead.

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152: Roman inventor Hero decides to try something wacky and attaches chariot wheels to his primitive steam engine. Within 100 years the roman legions are fielding troops in steam powered vehicles to their remote regions using their legendary roads. Rome never falls to invasion from the north as they can get an army anywhere in a day.

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47) 100 million years ago a small asteroid bumps a much larger one, changing its course by .000000001 of a degree. 55 million years later, the larger rock misses earth by 1000 miles. 10 million years after that, Nail Tailstrong becomes the first dinosaur on the moon.

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44) Reaizing whats happening, the passengers of all 4 flights on 9/11/01 fight back against the hijackers, retaking the planes.

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42) Alexander Flemming decides to throw out his mold contaminated bacteria sample in 1928.