Lord Almir

Thackery's page

79 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Full Name












Special Abilities

Dementation 3, Auspex 3, Obfuscate 4






New York




Conspiracy Nut

Strength 3
Dexterity 3
Constitution 3
Intelligence 5
Wisdom 4
Charisma 2

About Thackery

Character Sheet:

Character Name: Thackery

Some people call me crazy. But I'm not, don't let my clan affiliation fool you. I'm just careful.
I live outside the city for obvious reasons. The proverbial cabin in the woods. It's safe,
especially since I set traps around the grounds. And I've got not only a basement but a secret sub-
basement with a secret exit (not an entrance) and a nice box I can sleep in that's full of enough
insulation it could be doused with gasoline and lit and I'd be fine.
But it doesn't end there. I've been around a long time so I've managed to make a few contacts
and allies. I don't make these “friends” (I don't let them get too close) lightly – they're all useful in
their own way. One of those ways is fake IDs. I haven't used my own name in years. Theodore Lasky,
Sam Goodwin, Martin Pelor – all aliases I've used in the past. Lars Denethor, the current owner of
my property, has my face and pays his taxes on time, and absolutely cannot be connected to the many
weapons purchases of Carl Hancock, even though their all stored at his place.
Well, not just at his place. One never knows when one is going to find himself in the need of a
good firearm, or maybe even a nice long wooden steak. That's why Andrew Saddler, Thomas Upton,
Johnathan Ashton, and Christopher Underwood all own small houses throughout the city, each with a
spare truck and enough supplies to wage a small war, even against my own kind. After all, if anyone's
untrustworthy it's a semi-dead guy who thinks he's better than everyone else just because he has a few
powers up his sleeve.
Yeah, my “friends” definitely have their uses. Not like my useless sire. The dumbass was
paranoid as hell. I met him at a gun show. We hit it off at first. He seemed cool at the time, saw things
the way I did. Apparently he felt the same so he made me a vampire too. But then it turns out the
a#%+@~& really was crazy. As I spent more time with him he became sure I was trying to poison his food.
How the hell can I poison his food if he's just picking random people off the street?!
Then he called some ancient Ventrue prince some bad names and accused him of plotting to
kill him. I think the prince would have let it slide except for the fact the fool tried to blow the prince
up with a nuke he snuck in from Russian (I wish I knew how). My sire was spotted red handed and
executed at sun-up. Which got me in trouble for awhile. They put me on probation for 5 years before
finally deciding I wasn't a threat. Why the hell would I be a threat? I don't give a crap about power and
I'm not worried that the Ventrue are going to get me.
That's because I know who the real bad guys are. It's called the government. I first became
aware of the insidious nature of the United States Government when I became aware of the mind
controlling nature of fluoride. The fluoride they put in the water is not natural.
See, the government was actually set up by a sect of mages rebelling against their controllers
in Britain, the Illuminati, which is actually the creation of the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar
were Christian mages working for the Catholic church in Rome, created to deal with the Arabic mages
that threatened their hold on Western power. However, some of them rebelled and started the group
known as The Free Masons. The Free Masons knew they, as the younger force, couldn't hold out
forever so they moved their headquarters to North America and started the revolutionary war.
Whether they were always as twisted or not I can't say, but I can say that they definitely
are today. Scared of the growing unions and grassroots political powers of the nation as well as the
growing threat of mass communications they created “fluoride” and piped it into the home of every
freedom loving American.
The effect is subtle – just sorta makes you a little bit more complacent, makes it just a little
harder to think (why do you think there haven't been any more Teslas or Einsteins?). That's why people
are starting to drink bottled water. It's a subconscious reaction to years of being slowly poisoned. And
that's also why I only drink from people who drink bottled water. I can drink someone who drinks tap

every now and then but if I do it for too long who knows what'll happen to me. I might end up another
sheep just like most everyone else.
And that's not the end of it. They've got secrets up the wazoo. And they're not the only ones.
There are dark forces that walk this Earth. That's why I mostly stay hidden. I'm in control of my life,
not them. I dictate what goes on, they don't. And I watch. The war's coming. I've already chosen my
When the time comes they'll have to deal with me.

Allies: Total 5
1.) Albert Nash (Mortal)
Known to his friends as just Nash, he is a provider of black market goods, primarily firearms,
explosives, other killing tools (such as claymores), false IDs, and can get ahold of most other things
that one might desire though those are side services and will thus cost slightly extra compared to his
normal services.
Nash is a firm believer in the right to carry firearms and due to New York's restrictive gun laws has no
trouble finding clients among the hard core gun “collecting” community. He also understands the need
to keep the government out of one's business, thus the ability to create false Ids. Nash is also a devout
Libertarian and thinks that a man should be able to do what he wants to do in his spare time so other
services are also provided, such as the provision of illicit drugs, but these services are at a premium.
Thackery met Nash at an anti-government rally in Washington D.C. 11 years ago. Though Thackery is
not active in such movements he will attend the same town such large rallies are in “just in case,” and
uses such occasions to visit other places. By coincidence Nash was staying at the same hotel and they
both were in the bar. Nash got drunk and they spent several hours bad mouthing the government. When
Nash realized they were btoh from New York Nash gave Thackery his contact information. It took a
few months of intermittent contact before Nash finally revealed his business which was good news
to Thackery because he had to let go of his previous ID man because they had spent too much time
together and Thackery was worried he would notice the lack of aging. Since then Nash has become one
of Thackery's best allies in the mortal world.
Nash has several locations where he keeps his goods and likes to use his money to provide himself with
the best. Nash likes hookers, alcohol, and large houses as well as big cars.
2.) Paul Dawson (Vampire)
A member of clan Ventrue, Paul Dawson sees things much as Thackery does, though, as he says, “I
don't believe in that conspiracy mumbo jumbo, Thackery my friend.” However, he will admit that
the U.S. Government seems highly underestimated by the rest of his kind and concedes that if things
were to be pushed just right it could make a serious enemy. Paul also understands Thackery's view on
self-protection, especially in the face of these modern nights. Ironically enough for a Venture, Paul
thinks that there should be more freedom for Kindred and kine alike as well – a view Thackery has
always pushed (he does not like the idea of anyone else being in control of his life). Thackery decided
he immediately needed to get to know Paul almost 20 years ago from now when Paul stood up in a
meeting between the clans and declared that it was important “to allow people to govern themselves.”
Thackery found him after the meeting and despite their differences (Thackery being an unemployed
conspiracy nut and Paul being the owner of a construction company) they became friends, meeting
several times over the course of the next year to discuss such things as a new political structure for the
Camarilla and the prevalent racism within vampire society as well as complaining about the morality
and sin laws enforced by the government. Unfortunately Pauls' views have made him somewhat of a
side figure in the Venture and Camarilla politics – he is often ignored, though he endeavors always to
find new allies to his cause and hopes one day to have a majority on his side.
3.) Elissa Munoz (Vampire)
A Tremere, Elissa became Thackery's ally when he saved her from a band of street thugs who had

managed to best her when she was low on blood. She has been eternally grateful ever since and
Thackery suspects that she may find his foibles “cute.” They attempted a real relationship for awhile
but found that they worked better as friends and have been for 5 years. She is younger and less
powerful than Thackery but he considers her a loyal ally though he has yet to find a good use for her.
They meet at least once a month, usually at a cafe, and Thackery has recently managed to get her as
interested in guns as he is.
4.) David Kowloon (Vampire)
David is a Gangrel, one who likes hunting, outdoors-man activities, and can appreciate a good weapon.
He and Thackery met at a gun exhibition and became friends after a five hour argument about the
virtues of an automatic rifle versus a submachinegun. David is actually the person who introduced
Thackery to the wonderful world of trapping and proactive home security 30 years ago. They hang out
often, though David disappears for sometimes weeks at a time without saying where he goes. This has
raised Thackery's suspicions more than once, so David, though treated and thought of as a friend, is
more often than not on a kind of probation in Thackery's mind. David is more of a collector of guns
rather than a user and actually prefers knives.
5.) The Nosferatu local clan leader (influential Vampire)
Thackery has always had a soft spot for the Nosferatu. He sees them as the poster children for what's
wrong with society – a group that is kept down for nothing better than their looks, reviled for nothing
more than some idea that their parents were cursed, the individual within ignored and reviled. Thus
Thackery has gone out of his way to help the Nosferatu several times and this has earned him a great
deal of respect within their clan to the point where he and their leader consider themselves friends.
Though Thackery's ranting can occasional be a bit too much they know his heart is in the right place.

Contacts: Total 5
1.) Mathew Hartley (Vampire)
Mathew deals in information from the inner circle of vampires, a Toreador who has his ears out for
all the latest gossip. Thackery went out of his way to develop him as contact so that he may have
access to this information as well if needed, however something is always required in return for
real information. Mathew spends most of his time in Elysium when he's not at a posh party or at his
penthouse apartment.
2.) Lana Sinclair (Mortal)
Major conspiracy nut, Lana keeps tabs on as much as she can, whenever she can, wherever she can.
She has a whole organization of informants behind her that track what the governments of the world
and major corporations are doing. She is usually contactable only in person with meetings arranged by
secret drop.
3.) Carlos “Fix-It” Diego (Mortal)
Carlos is a “fixer,” much like Nash, though he primarily specializes in IDs and drugs as opposed to
guns. Thackery does not entirely trust Carlos and suspects that he is involved in things he wouldn't
approve of, so Thackery has maintained a distance to the relationship and thus Thackery has to pay like
everyone else.
4.) William Langdon (Vampire)
Langdon is a Venture who works on the board of a major financial firm that has ties to most of the
major companies within and even outside the United States. When Thackery heard about him he went
out of his way to make contact with him and now they exchange favors for favors.
5.) Arturo Franks (Mortal)
Franks runs an illegal gambling hall in New York, having started as a bookmaker and risen up in the
ranks of the underworld. Franks is connected to all the illicit happenings of the city and has dirt on
most of its politicians, dirt he trades, not gives.

Resources: 5
Thackery made most of his money early on by connecting the right person with the right thing, an
expert at making contacts within the underworld and in the gun community as well as the conspiracy
community. He made even more money by backing his contact Langdon on some inside trade deals.
Coupled with the fact that Thackery doesn't spend a lot of money on amenities (he drives an old truck
and still uses an old CRT TV for instance) he has managed to make a lot over the years. In addition to
his interest earning accounts Thackery hides hard cash at locations all over town and in safety deposit
boxes in other cities for emergencies in case he needs to leave in a hurry.