
TexasStu's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 7 posts (17 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

About TexasStu

1976-1977 D&D 1.0 & Chainmail (learned on east coast VA. and brought it to west coast CA.)
1977-1984 D&D 1.0 (up to Eldritch Wizardry and God, Demi-Gods & Heroes)/Arduin Grimoire (chr. creation and combat, etc.)/unique (at the time) flexible, Mana-based and power word triggered magic system called "Corsair!".

Modern Day:
Looked at multiple systems and chose Pathfinder to get back 'behind the screen' possibly involving [i]maptool to enable select players to play together in a group narrowing limitations to scheduling conflicts. Still working out the kinks but the potential ability to utilize digital media provided with PDF's on a virtual tabletop is something I've wanted since early 8-bit days when the technology would never have supported it.
Meanwhile, looking to play some and get back into the swing of things.