Gelatinous Cube

Tex1013's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


thanks for the quick reply - I mostly ask because the image doesn't have any apparent eyes, nor does the description of it...seemed more like it might have been an...oversight (hehe) - you're right of course, I can make whatever adjustments are necessary - just seemed odd to me

thanks again!

So, I'm planning an encounter in a dark sewer for my party, using oozes - I like the globster, but there is no alternate sense in the perception stat block for the monster - is the Globster supposed to be dependent on vision as it's primary sense?

would just like a little confirmation - most other oozes have motion sense or something similar

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not going to lie - I bribe them. Hero point for anyone that kept ANY even modest amount of notes during a session.

It works. Some keep better notes than others, and some don't care enough (or need the hero points) enough to try, but most do, and it helps balance out rolls for the people that tend to get screwed by rng/die rolling

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Quick question about the sweep trait for weapons (core rulebook pg 283)

Using sweep
I attack a target - regardless if I hit or miss, if I attack another target this round, I get a +1 to the next attack.

My question is - if I attack ANOTHER target after the 2nd target...

do I still get +1 on my third attack against a different target

do I still get a +1 on my third attack against the same (or first) target (because I have already satisfied the requirement for attacking a different target once during the round)

do I get a stacking +1 on my third target for a total of +2 (because I have targeted two separate targets so far)?

I've got a player looking for every possible bonus to squeeze out of the system - myself, I'm suspicious of stacking bonuses, but I'm happy to hear opinions of other players, or better yet, rules creators and their intended/expected use for the ability

Thanks for any time and effort you spend on my question
