AC 22 T 13 FF 22| HP 71/71| F +9 R +7 W +11| Init +0 (roll 2x take better, always act in surprise round)| Perc +10 (clouded vision) | Martial Versatility 7/7 Remain
Tewa She was born in the colonized land of Anchor’s End in Arcadia to one of the leading indigenous families. A rebellious and willful child from her earliest days, she always rankled against the hand of Chelish rule and took every opportunity to flaunt their conventions and domination, only getting away with as much as she did do to her family and the provisional government’s distance from the center of Chelish power. She was the dashing local Prince who lived by passionate whim beyond the constraints of convention, wooing women by the dozen and dueling Chelish marines in the streets. She was a loyal follower of Kazutal, Mother Jaguar, and her devotion to her community and hatred of slavers cemented her as a beloved folk hero.
She began trying to bankroll the rebellion through the use of counterfeit currency and a laywoman’s knowledge of economics. The gambit worked for a while, partly because nobody expected such a scheming move from the notoriously and unapologetically tempestuous Tewa She, but an unusually diligent Imperial Accountant was able to unravel her scheme. For anyone else, the sentence would have been death. The Imperial Governor, not wanting to make a martyr out of her, decided that exile and holding her family hostage would have to suffice, spreading the story that Tewa She had just left on one last voyage and never returned. Exile to a follower of Kazutal was a vicious enough punishment, as being stripped of community meant being stripped of all she was. As a last insult, the Chelish took a hot iron to her eyes, so that she “may never see the way home ever again.” Miraculously, she did not completely lose her sight, a boon she believes that she received from her Goddess as a sign that what she tried to do was all in Mother Jaguar’s favor.
For the past several years, Tewa She has sailed the oceans of Golarion searching for adventure and the strength to return and liberate her homeland. She has used the cover of piracy and anonymity to strike against Cheliax whenever possible and is always on the lookout for ancient treasures and sources of power that may lead her back home and to liberation.
Tewa is a hunk of a woman, broad-shouldered and taut with muscle, and skin the deep brown of rich walnut woodgrain. Nude and with her cascade of burgundy-brown wavy hair wetted down, she would be barely under 7 feet tall, but only her various conquests have seen her so. Her expressive brow and clouded eyes have captivated many, but of those only the women have captivated her. Her strong hooked nose has clearly been broken at least once, and her most visible tattoo is a heavy red line running below her eyes and along the kink in her nose like a scar. She has never worn a skirt or a dress and tends towards gambesons and surcoats, along with her fur-lined coat that helps keep her warm in the cold sea air. She has numerous tattoos all over her body in praise of Mother Jaguar and some for simply aesthetic purposes. She has piercings and jewelry spread out over her whole body as well.
Stat Block:
Tewa She, the Lightning in the East
Half-orc Oracle (warsighted)/8
CG Medium humanoid (half-orc)
Init +0 (roll twice take the better)Senses: Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +10, Clouded Vision
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19 (+9 armor)
HP 71
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +8
Speed 30 ft (20ft in armor)
MeleeKuye Lam +12/7 (2d6+8/19-20), Cold Iron Lucerne Hammer +11/+6 (1d12+7/x2), Cold Iron Machete +11/+6 (1d6+5/19-20), Cold Iron Dagger +11/+6 (1d4+5/19-20)
Ranged Underwater Heavy Crossbow +6 (1d10/19-20), Cold Iron Dagger +6 (1d4+5/19-20)
Special Attacks Martial Versatility (7/ day, 2 feats as move action or 1 feat as swift)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 8th; concentration +10):
4th(3/day)—Cure Critical Wounds, Freedom of Movement, Wall of Fire
3rd(5/day)—Cure Serious Wounds, Magic Vestment, Prayer, Water Breathing
2nd(7/day)—Cure Moderate Wounds, Communal Water Walk, Effortless Armor, Fog Cloud, Grace, Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon
1st (7/day)—Air Bubble, Ant Haul, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Remove Sickness, Shield of Faith, Unbreakable Heart
0 (at will)--Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Spark Mystery Battle
Str 20, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 14
Base Atk +6/+1; CMB +11; CMD 21
Power Attack
Extra Revelation (War Sight)
Extra Revelation (Weapon Mastery)
Weapon Focus (greatsword) (b)
Improved Critical (greatsword) (b)
Almost Human
Alternate Racial Traits
Sacred Tattoo
Skills (armor check penalty -5)
Acrobatics -5
Appraise +0
Bluff +2
Climb +5 (+0 in armor)
Craft* +0
Diplomacy* +13
Disguise +2 (+6 to appear human)
Escape Artist +0
Heal* -1
Intimidate* +15
Knowledge (engineering)* +4
Knowledge (history)* +4
Knowledge (religion)* +4
Linguistics +8
Perception* +10
Profession (sailor)* +10
Ride* +4 (-1 in armor)
Sense Motive* +10
Spellcraft* +4
Stealth +0 (-5 in armor)
Survival -1
Swim +9 (+4 in armor)
Languages Taldane(common), Orcish, Razatlani, Aquan, Auran, Polyglot, Kelesh, Osiriani, Draconic, Aklo
SQ: Oracle’s Curse (clouded vision), Oracle Revelations (War Sight, Skill in Arms, Weapon Mastery)
Gear Kuye Lam (+1 silversheen greatsword) w/weapon cord, masterwork full plate, belt of giant’s strength (+2), Handy Haversack, underwater heavy crossbow, 50 cold iron bolts, cold iron machete, sap, cold iron lucerne hammer, bedroll, canteen, coffee pot, crowbar, compass, ear plugs, flint and steel, mwk backpack, grooming kit, silver holy symbol of Kazutal, mug, 10 pounds of coffee, antiplague, antitoxin, cold weather outfit, furs, gambeson, explorer’s outfit, 100 gp of jewelry, 100 gp of tattoos, 33 gp 6 sp 5 cp
Daylight x1
Bless Weapon x2
Cure Light Wounds (50 charges)
Calm Emotions x1
Consecrate x1
Remove Blindness/Deafness x1
Remove Paralysis x1
Prayer x1
Water Walk x1
Stone Shape x1
Align Weapon, Communal x1