Irabeth Tirabade

Tessara Winkol's page

303 posts. Alias of NenkotaMoon.


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Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Yea, when u are ready.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

That's alright. I can wait.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Still here, take your time.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5


Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

It doesn't have how much GP I earned. As well it says Tessara as the name. That is more my fault. The name of the character is Anita Poxilli.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5


Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Got that sheet yet?

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Whenever you are ready GM. I think you can make a pdf file with them and then send link it to me.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

182184-7. That will boost my Witch to level 2 easy.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

We can PFS credit for this sweet. Ok hold on.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Yippee skippy, hooray

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Well, i guess it is time to start drafting people into service for this AP. It looks like it is just you and me.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

"To free god..." Tessara says quizzicaly. She pulls her spar out and kneels down to the fallen android, she closes the machines eyes before she stands back up, "Scrapwall. Was that where her god was? She did all this to do such."

She picks the body of the dead android up on her shoulder as they begin to leave and nodding for them to pick up her firearm, "Deserves as much I guess. At least proper burial this, machine. If you see anything around that is useful grab it. We're done here."

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

From the fighting, Tessara receives a nasty head wound, blood staining the yellows of her shirt and leather coat. She keeps strong as Zael takes a hit, granting him a healing spell she channels with a touch from her hand. She was feeling woozy as she did, there was a bad wound in the side from a her strange firearm, but she bit her lip and ignored it.

She quickly joined the fight, pushing herself to the limit. Alas, an opening in her defense. With a mighty thrust, the half-orc woman lunges out and impales the android in the stomach, bringing her down to the ground.

"All this damn it. Could've, could have just surrendered. What is that device we took, why do you need it. tell us the truth?" she says as she hold the spear down into the android on the floor, strange fluids pooling by her feet.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

At this point Tess smiles, then goes into a laugh, "You don't know do you, you don't know. You have to be serious," she grips her spear with a grin, "The Ropefist's are pretty much no more. We got your little device or whatever the Hell it."

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Well...... looks like we'll have to get some new recruits.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

"So this is why the Torch has been off, you are behind it to feed whatever Hellion is. What is this place, no one on this world can make such a thing from what I have seen?" she states with a bit of a growl, "Why were you working with the RopeFists?"

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

I feel lonely know. :( It is up to me to save the day.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Any gonna post?

Except for the Calsitrain Inquisitors. Working as intended.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

"Venerate, however some do try. Well Meyanda, who the heck is Hellion and why does he want this torch? Are you saying this thing is the torch," it clicks in her head, somewhat everything coming into place, "Are you part of the Technic League?"

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

"Which," Tess returns the glare, "You ain't wearin' the yellow and leathers, you aren't some glistening bastion of creativity and love, you ain't some grumpy old man, a greedy bastard, you ain't some law abiding devil, nor are you some one whom seems to worship some inheritor to some dead bastard."

"Who are you, and what is this place?"

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

"So we finally get to meet you. The b@$~+ in charge here. You wouldn't happen to like to tell us what you doin' here and what is going on," Tess says firmly. She spits out some blood from a bit lip from the fight with gargoyle.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Tess, after blessing the party rushes forward an tries to poke a few holes in the gargoyle.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

"Alright, you don't want to play nice. Well then, we can always play rough, she says gearing up for a fight. She quickly casts out a divine radiance over the party (Bless) and gets ready to fight.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Tess seems to grimace, "We wont cause you any harm, we'll leave when we get what we came for. That is all, just gonna keep on moving and just leave you alone."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

She whispers, "I got nothin'."

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

"Are you hurt? What did that to you?"

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

"If it tries to kill us, mundane attacks will do just as good. Magics won't be effective however on this bastard," she takes prepares her spear, "Gargoyle, what are doing here?"

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

We have War gaming as an actual exercise for LLAB (Leadership Lab) and they play paint ball and air soft. As well as video game tournaments, movie nights, sports PTs, and other stuff.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

So we are going to RP this fight scene out? Hmmm....

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

You do when you live far away from campus as a cross-town student. Did you know, they play war gaming for the junior and senior cadets?

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Tess scan her mind, looking for answer to what she was looking at. If she what it was, she could figure out a weakness. Hopefully, it would be more cooperative.

Knowledge Check

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Well don't worry I'm back. Thursdays I wake up early at 3am EST to get to UMD. Just a little tired now but overall I am fine.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Ok, I got 1 hour before I got to go to rotc. Let's rp.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

RP. Will be busy today but be able to post a bit later on.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

You were a valued member of the team. It was nice to have the opportunity to play some with you.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Im just following the leader

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, my Inquisitor of Calistira is a Half-Orc orphan from Riddleport. She wasn't some courtesan or hooker on the street, but a bouncer, a tough one for a few of the local establishments. She made friends with this Elf, whom was a dancer and part time prostitute at the club she worked at. The two lived together and tried to support each other so they could move out of the city and find a better life.

Sadly, the Elf was killed one night on her way home after working a late shift. My character, after finding out, goes into a terrible sadness, followed by a rage she never felt before. Finding her friends necklace to the goddess, she was inspired to get revenge and do justice upon the murderer.

Going to the Calistrians, she asks for their aid to give her information to find and kill the murderer. Obliging her, they performed a small ritual that revealed faint aura of the goddess on her and revealed the location of the killer, wasting in a jail cell. With determination and using whatever charm she could muster, she manages to stab the life out of him in his cell while waves euphoric and intoxicating energy went through her.

Upon return, the Calistrians took her in and granted her a place in the temple as a guardian, whom beats up anyone being harsh on the girls and guys on the street corner, and doing the more darker business of the temple.

She'd start off more conservative in look, more focused on the revenge aspect and slightly not caring much for the church itself, thinking them to be over sexed kooks. But, as time went on taking up more and more the aspects of the deity's domains. Also, she doesn't know that the person that killed her friend and whom she killed was her father.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Attack: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 1 = 13
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Tess moves forward to slam the killing end of her spear on the creature, but the attack seems off.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

That'd be cool.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

"Spread forth the might of Calistria and give us the power to kill our foes!" shouts Tessara as she oddly says her usual prayer in common tongue, holding her holy symbol up in the air as it fill s the group with power.

Bless. Thank you all, you are too kind XD

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

I'm still here

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

"Back into the depth huh. What fun this will be."

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5


Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Oh no, that doesn't sound good at all. I hope he gets better.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Tarkov has just seemed to vanish. If need be, we could look for another to join the venture and if he comes back continue as a team of five.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

I really don't want this to die.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Fifth player maybe, I think we are still waiting on Tarkov.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

We're fine," Tess shouts as lifts up the slumped body of Carmen, "Mission accomplished, didn't even see it coming."

She starts to head out of the burning warehouse.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5


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