
Terran's page

32 posts. Alias of terry love.

So i am curious as to whether or not a clay golem can be put into a portable hole. I want to create one as a shield guardian but when i start teleporting it wont be able to come with. Let me know what you think or can dig up in the books.

OK this is a thread for consolidation of ideas for the current 3/4 bab 6 level spells Magus being presented by Paizo. Not for criticism, or rants about how it doesn't work. It is a play test after all, getting out the bugs and making it a fun balanced class to play is what this thread is for.

So from playtest info i have seen the magus is can be lackluster at first level.all other classes have multiple abilities at level 1, except fighter.

-A first level ability usable 3+int times per day to add bonus damage to, probably elemental, to maguses weapon.

-start magus arcana at first level or arcane weapon

-push spell strike to level 2

-push combat spell to level 4 possibly with less penalties or a seperate ability with bonus to concentration.

Keep posting all your ideas

So in hopes of setting off a long convoluted argument, can a dwarven shadowdancer detect when he/she is within 10' of dim light.