Terpani's page

5 posts. Organized Play character for Jason Belter.


Grand Lodge

I'm a swashbuckler/warpriest
Helps out with the feats, Rapid shot gets me the Flurry like capability. Starry Grace gets Dex to damage and the rest is just picking the order.

Importantly I get both the scaling damage dice and the enjoyment of adding a riposte in the same round I 'accidentally' provoke by throwing in melee. I'm 8th level and just starting to invest in the Startoss style feats mostly just to keep adding static damage. The need for a blink back belt helps keep the power level just this side of completely cheesey.

Grand Lodge

Well I'm a Warpriest with a swashbuckler dip that gives me a nice melee burst if needed. If I had to go back and redo it though I would dip the Far Strike Monk which would let me flurry on top of everything else. Warpriest let's me divine favor and also with the Weather blessing I can make it so my throws ignore range penalties for a turn and do not provoke. Everything after that is just feats, which you shouldn't worry about at level 20 you'll have plenty. I found startoss to be not worth it on the build since with Starry Grace life is good. I'm forgoing the normal belt for a blinkback belt, but I can Cat's grace myself if I want more dex.

Grand Lodge

Others have handed most of the heavy lifting, the swashbuckler is not a zen archer but that was not the original claim. It can be quite effective and the effective AC parry and riposte gives you with the answering enchantment is a pretty good value. The precision damage issue only reinforces how narrowly people can focus on class features. I ended up making a swashbuckler that is a legitimate 2 way threat because what is really fun is rapid shot a couple of star knives and parry and riposting in the same round. While this required a multiclass into Warpriest for maximum effectiveness it means I don't have any precision damage, but some how manage to be very effective as a thrown weapon build and allegedly the second weakest class. There are so many ways to build highly effective characters with the options out there that the class rankings are silly.

Grand Lodge

My +1 Answering starknives beg to differ! I can parry and riposte attacks with an effective +5 enhancement bonus for the cost of only a +2, Fencer gives a trait bonus effectively then to AC and the most important attacks. I'm 4/4 at being the prime damage dealer in scenarios played across levels 4-7.

Grand Lodge

I Terpani master of the thrown starknife (No silly Arsenal Chaplain here) doth love the challenge of proving guides wrong Ha Ha! Ideas are already brewing for a great use of the Elder Mythos archetype and with a suboptimal Prestige class on top of it. So yes keep the dismissive comments coming.