Antero Ikonen

Teren of the Hills's page

125 posts. Alias of Sbodd.

Full Name

Teren of the Hills




Druid 2 | 18/18 hp, 1 armor, d6 damage, 5/9 xp | str +2, Dex +0, Con +0, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha -1

About Teren of the Hills

Look: wild eyes, braided hair, practical leathers
Druid Tell: ferret mask

Str 16/+2
Dex 9/+0
Con 12/+0
Int 13/+1
Wis 16/+2
Cha 8/-1

HP 6+Con
Damage d6

Alignment: Neutral: Eliminate an unnatural menace

Gear (load 3/7)
Necklace of animal bones (druidic token)
Hide armor (1 armor, 1 weight)
Spear (close, thrown, near, 1 weight)
Adventuring gear (1 weight)
Key to the First Door (pg 8)
Basic Moves:

As your people learned to bind animals to field and farm, so too are you bound to them. You may always take the shape of any domesticated animal, in addition to your normal options.

Born of the Soil:

You learned your magic in a place whose spirits are strong and ancient and they’ve marked you as one of their own. No matter where you go, they live within you and allow you to take their shape. Choose one of the following. It is the land to which you are attuned—when shapeshifting you may take the shape of any animal who might live in your Land.

The Great Forests
The Whispering Plains
The Vast Desert
The Stinking Mire
The River Delta
The Depths of the Earth
The Sapphire Islands
The Open Sea
The Towering Mountains
The Frozen North
The Blasted Wasteland
Chose a tell—a physical attribute that marks you as born of the soil—that reflects the spirit of your land. It may be an animal feature like antlers or leopard’s spots or something more general: hair like leaves or eyes of glittering crystal. Your tell remains no matter what shape you take.

By Nature Sustained

You don’t need to eat or drink. If a move tells you to mark off a ration just ignore it.

Spirit Tongue

The grunts, barks, chirps, and calls of the creatures of the wild are as language to you. You can understand any animal native to your land or akin to one whose essence you have studied.


When you call upon the spirits to change your shape, roll+Wis.

✴ On a 10+ hold 3.

✴ On a 7–9 hold 2.

✴ On a miss hold 1 in addition to whatever the GM says.

You may take on the physical form of any species whose essence you have studied or who lives in your land: you and your possessions meld into a perfect copy of the species’ form. You have any innate abilities and weaknesses of the form: claws, wings, gills, breathing water instead of air. You still use your normal stats but some moves may be harder to trigger—a housecat will find it hard to do battle with an ogre. The GM will also tell you one or more moves associated with your new form. Spend 1 hold to make that move. Once you’re out of hold, you return to your natural form. At any time, you may spend all your hold and revert to your natural form.

Established forms:

Old Man Mellen's hound, p1:

* Pick up a scent
* Eat rotten scraps with delight
* Play dead

Glinting-Walker-Face, raven, p2 - unavailable due to the crystal's impact
Thirdson of Long Rain, buffalo:

* Run with surprising quickness
* Shrug off an impact
* Charge and gore

Studied Essence

When you spend time in contemplation of an animal spirit, you may add its species to those you can assume using shapeshifting.

Communion of Whispers


When you spend time in a place, making note of its resident spirits and calling on the spirits of the land, roll+Wis. You will be granted a vision of significance to you, your allies, and the spirits around you.

✴ On a 10+ the vision will be clear and helpful to you.

✴ On a 7–9 the vision is unclear, its meaning murky.

✴ On a miss, the vision is upsetting, frightening, or traumatizing. The GM will describe it. Take -1 forward


1 - failed Spout Lore on pink crystals
2 - first End of Session (Learned about the world, DM apology)
1 - failed DR on beast in the woods
1 - failed Defy Dex to avoid the beast
1 - failed Defend vs the beast
1 - failed DR after the displacer beast
1 - failed Defy Dex to pry a crystal from a canine

1 - failed Trailblazer
1 - failed Spout Lore on the Master of Chaos
1 - failed Spout Lore on the lion/rhinos
1 - failed H&s vs lion/rhinos
1 - failed Recruit in the Dwarven village