Gremlin, Jinkin

Temmogen's page

Organized Play Member. 101 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

Scarab Sages

Question for the masses....

I'm designing an abandoned manor house taken over by a tribe of goblins. One of the traps I want to use involves a fake trip wire, to set up who ever goes to inspect it or step over it. When they do a goblin using a peephole will hit the level and spring a spear trap.

The question is, do I use a standard to-hit roll with minuses, or an alternate to-hit roll using either a modified ranged touch attack or and Int based to hit roll?

Any opinions would be appreciated.

Scarab Sages

Hi there!
Having just returned from my FLGS for Free RPG day, I noticed that htey have Part 4 of the Carrion Crown AP in stock. I still have not seen my copy in the mail. So my question is... is there a way to track it, or should I "Go Postal" on the USPS?
It usually will have arrived by now, and I was just curious.

Thanks Guys!

Scarab Sages

I seemed to have missed how many spells a Witch starts out with. Can some tell me where to find it please?

Scarab Sages

thats funny.....

Scarab Sages

I was talking with my DM and he has the Hardcover book, but he says that the sidebars about scaling the adventures isn't in it. Not wanting to ruin my fun by flipping through his book, can anyone tell me if the sidebars are in the book, or if there is someplace he can download all the sidebars.

thanks in advance...

Scarab Sages

My party and I recently rented from the city, Kegans old lock shop. Kegan died and no one came to take over the property. So we convinced the land office to let us rent it, but niether the Dm nor any of the players could figure out what the rent should be.
Does anybody have decent source for something like this?

Thanks Guys!!

Scarab Sages

I am looking for a print copy of Dragon #277, or more to the point the story by Paul S. Kemp that was printed in that issue. I can't get it in the PDF form due to licensing restrictions. So if anyone has a copy they would be willing to part with, PM me and we can talk.


Scarab Sages

This waiting is killing me! I hate waiting! Does anyone know of a threat that will work on the Post Office, to get them to deliver my Pathfinder #1 faster?

Scarab Sages

Does anyone happen to know the average shipping time for Dragon?

Scarab Sages

I just got my last print copy of Dungeon yesterday.


Farewell old friend.


Scarab Sages

I have a question for Jishuo Yang, about the requirements for becoming a Force missile Mage.
What is the reasoning behind the feat requirement of Combat Casting?
Also, in light of the new feats released in the PHB 2, would replacing that feat with Arcane Thesis be acceptable to the esteemed members of the message boards...

Thanks in advance.

Scarab Sages

However, I love you guys!!
Everything I have ordered so far has arrived really quick, and in excellent shape. I just thought you guys needed to hear some positive feedback, for a change. Keep up the good work! Thanks for everything, and I will keep ordering from you guys.

Denver, Colorado

Scarab Sages

My Compendium arrived!!!
I'm still at work, but my book is at home!
Yes!! Thanks Guys!!!

Muahahahaha, the Deathmaster reborn, I cant wait!

Scarab Sages

Hi there!
I just renewed my subscriptions last week, and the order showed approved and my account has been debited. I emailed customer service and havent heard anything back yet, so I thought I would try here. My account status is still showing my subscriptions as expired. Any information would be appreciated, I dont want to miss an issue. Thanks for any updates!!

Scarab Sages

Just out of curiosity, how many game sessions did your group need to get through Life's Bazzar?

My group is now starting on out fifth session, and they are still in Jzadarune.

Thanks for perspective.

Sorry about the misspell in the title, big fingers little keyboard, syndrome...

Scarab Sages

If anyone were so inclined could you try a work up of Michael Stackpole's DragonCrown war series. Starting with "The Dark Glory War" Then proceeding through the trilogy.
"Fortress Draconis"
"When Dragons Rage"
"The Grand Crusade"