
Temmel Passad's page

1 post. Alias of Scott Young (Contributor).


"Of course, we shall sup before we leave," replies Passad. He claps his hands, and a pair of servants rush in and escort the four of you to an elegant dining room. The repast is excellent, featuring a variety of cuisine from across the Lake Encarthan region, and is served in several courses.

Throughout dinner, it becomes clear that Passad and Metalla are fierce competitors in matters of business. While all of their conversations are polite on the surface, neither passes up the chance to make a point at the other's expense. Amauhak stays aloof from these discussions, only speaking when spoken to directly, and answering with as few words as possible.

"Your purchases have been made, and are aboard Abacus. I've also received word that your Society is sending two more agents to join you; they shall meet us at the docks." Passad frowns slightly, as if contemplating what additional risk he hasn't been informed about. He takes another touch of snuff and sneezes softly before continuing.

"We shall sail at first light. Abacus will hop along the coastal ports along the eastern shore of Lake Encarthan until we reach the Glass River, and the city of Xer which guards its mouth - about 5 days' journey. That is likely where trouble will begin, as officially we shall have to dock at Xer and submit to inspection. We shall stop at the Grey Revelation Inn, and you can go ashore to attempt to locate the missing envoys. From there, it's up the river to Nerosyan. You are all welcome to stay here for the night, or you can bunk aboard Abacus, as you choose."