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bfobar wrote:
This is, in essence, exactly what I want.. unfortunately, it's a PFS character, so no custom weapons. mplindustries wrote: Instead of asking this very specific question, why not ask what you are trying to accomplish. What benefit are you thinking you'll get for casting your ranged spell through a sword? Good suggestion. Call me a fanboy, but I've created a PFS character based off of Inuyasha, from the Inuyasha anime. I'm having a lot of fun with him, but I began to wonder if I could in any way remotely simulate his sword attack shown here at 1:17 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFpn-3qKOR4 ![]()
I'm curious if there is any spell, feat, class, item, etc. that will let a player cast a ranged spell from a melee weapon. I know through Magus that you can use your sword to cast touch spells, but what about range? It doesn't particularly matter what spell (damaging would be good though), and the range doesn't particularly matter. Just something beyond 5 feet range. Any ideas, or does this not exist in any form ![]()
@annoyingorange, I don't know a single thing about witches. I will have to go home tonight and look up a guide or something to get a flavor for them. Nothing is automatically ruled out in this character, so any idea is really valuable to me. Why would you do a wisdom-based sorc, as opposed to a charisma based. @psion-psycho, that idea is pretty E-VIL, but I don't know if we'll be quite that tech savvy. I think about the closest that I could get is a shield golem. ![]()
I'm not sure, truth be known. The DM essentially just told me what I told you all in the original post. I do know that it's supposed to be relatively low fantasy, as in the magic items that we start off with a relatively rare in the world to possess. As far as tech, not sure. I'd love to hear the idea though };) ![]()
thanks ub3r and arbane for that -- both of those things are the reason that I wanted to do this. First off, I am by far the most experienced player in these pick up groups. So I don't mind sacrificing the playability of my character and actually being in the last fight to give everyone else an awesome play experience. And yes, I think when a NPC dies, double-crosses, etc, it's hard to really get involved. But if it's someone that you've sat beside for weeks, it becomes even easier to get into your character's role. That moment when everything clicks -- the murders that you all have been investigating in town, the person who left kindly Mr. So-and-so's body in the town square to be found be all, the person who poisoned the water supply -- was someone who you have played with for a few months and had done all of those things under your nose. You're mandated to be personally involved at that point, I think. And I'm hoping it will make for a great game experience for the other players. ![]()
I wish I had someone to compare this character to.. I feel like i've seen/read about him a ton of times, but I can't put my finger on who I'm imagining this guy being. An opportunist who, while being strong in his own right, makes sure to stack the deck to his favor. Mind controlling, Memory lapse, illusions, etc to make sure he is on top and to hide him from everyone chasing after and knowing its him doing it. Very manipulative. Like I said, the final fight I've pictured him immediately plane shifting to a plane that the assailants will have a harder time to fight him in, because he knows he needs the benefit. That's just the way this guy will think constantly. He may seem redemptive at times, or like he wants to change or can't control it, but its just part of the trick to get someone close enough for a touch attak or to give him time to turn invisible and run. ![]()
See, I was leaning more towards a wizard, but I wanted opinion on what this guy sounded like from you all. I just don't picture this guy running out of spells really. I feel like he'd be specialized in certain spells, and just keep casting (once he's out as the bad guy of course). I like sorc for being able to cast any spells that you know, but being able to cast unlimited what you've memorized seems nice too. ![]()
Also, I was thinking of maybe playing this character as if he wasn't a caster, so it would confuse the other players even more when he came out as the bad guy. I thought I could have a meh strength (it would be believable, because I usually play weird RP mechanics in my characters anyway. A weakling that wants to be a warrior is right up my ally, RP-wise) like 14, carrying a sword and getting light armor prof., casting only basic spells in the beginning in front of people. I can easily argue that the spell comes from the ring (or whatever magic item I choose). What do ya'll think about this idea? Too much, or is it an interesting twist? My DM said I could even have a fake Fighter character sheet on the front page, with my real stats and stuff, so if anyone saw my sheet it would be believable. After all, RP-wise, no one would immediately know my wiz/sorc was a caster unless if he casted or referred to himself as such. He can say he's a fighter or whatever all day long. ![]()
you said spontaneous caster..would that mean that a wizard couldn't use it? What about stats? Obviously, wiz = int, sorc = cha, but what would be a good layout? Either roll 4d6, drop 1 method or 20 point buy are the methods that we can use. What feats would benefit this villain the most? I'm not usually a caster, so you'll have to excuse the barrage of questions. ![]()
Hey everyone, My local gaming store is starting up weekly Pathfinder pick-up-games, in addition to their weekly PFS games. I want to give you as much background on the story as possible, and a general idea of what I'd like to do, then I would really appreciate it if I could have some suggestions for this class. Basically, many years ago a large group of adventurer's retired from adventuring, and spent their gold to build this small town where they could live the civilian life. They have all passed away now, and our group are their descendants who now are the inhabitants of the town. Each of us starts off at level 1, with a basic (VERY basic) equipment kit, but we are allowed one +1 magic item (weapon, armor, ring, etc) that is assumed to be our birthright from our descendent. I had the idea and was approced by the DM to be a caster, either sorcerer or wizard, who is that sterotypical character that starts off just sorta being a jerk, but eventually turns evil. My goal for this character, as a cool plot for the other players, is to basically turn him into the main antagonist near the end, retiring him and letting the DM take control of him for the final few scenarios. Throughout the campaign though, I will sneakily be killing people in the town, causing trouble, etc obviously scaling in degree depending on how far into the campaign we get. For spells, I'm thinking mostly enchantments, illusions, and necromancy. Basically I see this guy in the final fight using telekensis, cursing, tricking via illusions, murdering civilians with finger o' death/disintegrate, teleporting/making dimensional doors (not enchanting, necro, or illusion, I know) to regain combat advantage, etc. Just be that badass evil sorcerer from movies and books. Any suggestions as far as a build, helpful spells that I had not thought about, class, etc? ![]()
At the shop that I play at, there is one guy (I probably should learn his name) that has a Silver Crusade Cavalier that just rubs my Taldor bard the wrong way, and vis versa. My character and his keep getting stuck together, and we're often hostile to each other, or at least unfriendly. On the meta-level, I love this player though. He and I have this mutual understanding that we're here to have fun, our characters don't agree, let's use that to have fun. We were running a module where (POSSIBLE SPOILER? I don't remember the session title) our 'contact' was pushed off of a cliff, and we had to save him. The other guy's character jumps off the cliff with a rope tied to him, gets the contact onto the rope, and the group (minus me) starts pulling them up the cliff. My character waits til they both get about half way up the cliff, and strolls over to the front of the rope, yelling down if the contact had what we were sent to get. He replied negatively, so I cut the rope. My guy is self (and Empire) serving, and the guy did not have what I was told he would have. The fact that the cavalier also fell was just a plus for my character. The group restrung the contact and the PC up, and pulled them back up the cliff, where he and I proceeded to argue until we settled it. In short, did I violate the no-pvp rule? Probably. And maybe I was even a jerk. I feel that it's what my character would do as an intimidation tactic however, and there was no meta-hostility between me and the player. We talked about that scene for weeks, laughing and recounting everything. I say all of this to say (and I'm new to PFS. I may be over-stepped by boundaries) this is a game. Have fun with it, as long as your fun doesn't make it less fun for others. If I or my GM has to bend a rule or look the other way, it seems like an acceptable price to allow the players to have fun. If this character and I were visibly butt-hurt about something that happened, pull us aside then and try to talk it out or ask someone to leave. We had a blast though. |