Beltias Kreun

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The thing I have found that seems to work the best in this situation is bring the other players closer to the power level of these two. Power gaming isnt a huge problem in my oppinion as long as the party is pretty close in power. After that you just crank up the encounters until its a challenge again. Give the other players some loot that helps them that isnt particularly usefull for the power gamers. Throw an encounter at the party that those two are not tailored to but allows other party members to shine and show them they cant go it alone.

Ring of susinance is the first thing I save for...

Dont think this has been released yet but in an old dragon magazine (I think) there was a unicorn that had its horn ritualy cut off and had gone insane.
More fey, preferably focusing on the fey courts.

Attempting to demoralize after slaying/defeating the enemy's leader. If the person you are attempting to intimidate is at 25% or fewer hit points. Hostages, blackmail, torture. Possibaly what you are wearing, a farmer looks less intimidating then someone in spiked full plate with glowing demonic runes etched into it.

One of my problems is the lack of any bonuses. You have one way to get a plus 5. What happens if the player is in a possition of significant power. (such as in king maker) what if the opponent is unarmed and the player has a weapon drawn, or the NPC has no escape route? What happens when the party member is riding a giant flying shark surrounded by ghost fire while 2 casts of ghost sound replicates ride of the valkeries from 40 voices (my campaigns tend to get weird...)
To sum it up I think you need to include more positive modifiers.