Velriana Hypaxes

Tehn Falind's page

10 posts. Alias of Knight of Yesterday.

About Tehn Falind

Female, Human, Dai’dore -5
N, Medium, Human (Borderlander)
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +9
Reputation 2


AC: 19, touch 19, flat footed 19 (+3 Dex, +5 Def, +1 Dodge)
HP: 55 (5d10 +5)
Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +3


Speed 30
Melee MW Rapier +11 (1d6+3/18-20)
Melee Dagger +9 (1d4+1/x2)
Ranged Shortbow +9 (1d4-1/x2) range 50
Special Attacks: Spring Attack


Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14 Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 20
Feats Strong Soul (Background), Mobility(1st), Dodge (Free, 1st), Weapon Finesse (Bonus, 2nd), Weapon focus [Rapier] (3rd), Spring Attack (5th), Weapon Specialization [Rapier] (Free, 5th)
Adventuring Skills Acrobatics +12, Bluff +5, Perception +9, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +12, Sword Forms +10
Background Skills Linguistics +3, Knowledge (nobility ) +3, Knowledge (blight) +6, Knowledge (history) +3, Knowledge (geography) +3, preform (sing) +5
Languages Common (Borderlands, Midlands, Cairhein), Trolloc, Old tongue
Combat Gear MW rapier, dagger, shortbow, 20 arrows

Ability Adjustments +1 Dex (4th),
Dodge +1 dodge bonus to AC
Improved Weapon Finesse [longsword] Apply weapon finesse to this weapon.
Mobility +4 dodge bonus vs attacks of opportunity caused by movement.
Spring Attack move before and after you attack.
Strong Soul: +1 on Fort and Will saves an additional +1 on saves vs energy draining and death effects.
Uncanny Dodge: retain dexterity bonus when flat-footed.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency simple weapons, plus the rapier, longsword, shortbow, as well as light armors.
Weapon Finesse Use dexterity to hit with light and finessable weapons.
Weapon Focus [rapier] +1 to hit with rapiers.
Weapon Specialization [rapier] +2 damage with rapiers.

Sword Forms:

You automatically learn form levels 1 and 2. Pick 4 at form level 3, 3 at level 4, and two at level 5.

The Forms: 
Level 1: (2 Ranks) 

Boar Rushes Downhill: This is a full round action. The attacker makes a charge attack, applying double his Strength bonus for damage, but lowers his Defense bonus by 3. {Requirements - Str 13+}
Cat Dances on the Wall: This form requires a full attack action and is comprised of a feinting, tentative series of short slashes, thrusts, and parries. Opponents must make a reflex save (DC 10 + character’s BAB) or lose Defense against this attack equal to the character's BAB. Only one attack roll is made and the attack does normal damage if it hits. {Requirements - Dex 13+, Bluff 2 ranks}
Moon on the Water: This is an attack action which provides a +2 attack bonus against an opponent who has already acted this round. {Requirements - None}

Level 2: (3 Ranks) 

Bundling Straw: This form is a full attack action. A successful skill check(DC 10 + Opponent’s BAB) allows multiple rapid strikes at the expense of defense and damage. Make one extra attack (at the same attack bonus) for each regular attack you can make. Apply damage from the weapon only, with no Strength bonus. Subtract 2 from your Defense for each extra attack you make until your next turn. {Requirements - Dex 13+}
Courtier Taps His Fan: This is a full attack action. This form features a powerful overhand blow designed to kill swiftly. The user of this form subtracts 5 from his attack roll, but doubles his Strength bonus for damage and his weapon’s critical threat range. {Requirements - Weapon Focus (any)}
Heron Wading in the Rushes: This attack action leaves you open to attack, but develops your balance. Your enemy strikes at you and your Defense is 10 + Armor bonus only, you gain no benefit from Dex or Class Defense bonus if unarmored. If you survive the strike, you make an immediate strike at your opponent, whose Defense is reduced the same as yours. If you successfully strike your opponent, it is considered a critical strike. {Requirements - None}

Level 3: (4 Ranks)
Stones Falling from the Cliff: With this full attack action, you make all attacks at -3 and add +6 to damage against one opponent. {Requirements - None}
Boar Rushes Down the Mountain: This full round action acts as Boar Rushes Downhill, but a successful hit also acts as a Bull Rush against your opponent. {Requirements - Boar Rushes Downhill}
Cat on Hot Sand: This full attack functions as Cat Dances on the Wall except that all attacks are allowed and the penalty is only half the character's BAB to the opponent’s defense, minimum of one. {Requirements - Cat Dances on the Wall, Dex 14+}
Moon Rises over the Water: This attack action allows a +4 to attack bonus and +2 to damage against an opponent who has already acted this round. Your opponent gets an attack of opportunity against you if he makes a Reflex check and beats your attack roll. {Requirements - None.}

Level 4: (5 Ranks)
River Undercuts the Bank:With this attack action, You strike low at your opponent’s legs. Take a - 4 to your attack roll. If you hit, roll damage as normal, but your foe must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + your BAB) or be crippled, allowing only a normal movement action to be taken and only at half speed. {Requirements - None}
Ribbon in the Air: With this defensive action, your body dances and flows in time with the strikes of your enemies. On a successful check (DC 10 + opponents BAB + the extra you were hit by), you take half damage from all strikes against you and you may make an attack but add no strength modifier to damage. {Requirements - Wis 14+, Dex 13+}
Swallow Takes Flight: This attack action must be readied and allows the character to block one incoming attack.The player must announce that she is blocking the attack before it is rolled. The player makes an opposed attack roll. If successful, she blocks the blow. Also, if the character blocks the shot and beats her opponent’s roll by five or more, she may make an attack of opportunity as a counter- strike. {Requirements - Dex 13+, Wis 12+,Must have action readied prior to being attacked}

Level 5: (6 Ranks) 

Dove Takes Flight: This attack action is useable on the first round of combat only. If your initiative is 8 points higher than your opponent, make a skill check (DC 10 + opponent’s BAB). If you are successful, you may make an additional attack at your highest BAB. {Requirements - Can only be used if weapon is drawn or character has Quick Draw feat}
Lizard in the Thorn bush: With this attack action, you drop to one knee and use your full strength to drive your sword up into your foe's body. Add +4 to your attack and damage roll. Following the attack, you must use a move equivalent action to regain your feet. {Requirements - None}


Tehn , in the manner of most young woman, who are doted on by their fathers, tends to be brash and headstrong. Her upbringing as a boarderlander in Kandor has left her prickly about her family's honor. The willowy young woman appears to be driven by her youthful arrogance, vanity as well as a thirst for recognition. However, she is friendly, outgoing, and gregarious by nature believing that it is better to make a friend then an enemy. Those who know her best appreciate Tehn’s wry sense of humor and know her as a lover of debate and singing.


Tehn Falind is tall for a woman with a lithe but well-muscled build, she looks older than her years and carries herself with an air of confidence. Her features are proportionate and pleasing, she possesses a straight nose and a full mouth, that always appears as if she is about to laugh. Her large, green, eyes framed by long, full lashes set off a gaze that is both knowing and penetrating. Her dusky skin is as flawless and smooth as well creamed coffee and accentuates the shoulder length, dark locks of hair that appear to reflect the light around it.

The slender long-limbed woman is most often dressed in shades of lavender with a large brimmed, feathered cap the same color. Tehn wears calf length breaches that are cut to look like a dress with a comfortable blouse worn under a thigh length coat. She has a thin sword strapped on her left hip with a dagger on the opposite side.


To find the Horn, until my last fateful breath, to sound the horn at Tarmon Gai'don, no sooner except in death, Tehn recalled her oath as she sat in the noisy tavern considering her next move. She sipped a goblet of Tharon wine and can’t help but reflect on the events that brought her to The Great Square of Tammaz….

Seven Years ago
Tehn stood outside of her family’s farmhouse, in Kandor, practicing her forms “Boar Rushes Downhill” gave way to “Moon on the Water” her lithe blade dancing through the air. Sweat began to drip from the twelve year old’s brow, from the repeated motion, when she heard her mother’s correcting voice, ”Dragging feet never finish the journey my love. Use your hips on these movements, that’s where your strength and speed come from.” The slightly plump woman, Tehn’s mother Dendial, then demonstrated the forms with surprising quickness and controlled power, ”The hips, proper sword work begins with the hips. Now try it again.”   

Two Years ago
Tehn’s, large, extended family sat at the long table that had been set up outside, close to the pastures. It was the perfect summer day, the ninth day of Saven and her family gathered in celebration of Dahan, the holiday marking the anniversary of the final victory in the Trolloc Wars. It was a momentous occasion, as her brother, Rikken, was just chosen to ride under the Banner of the Red Horse and her cousin Drude was beginning work at the mines. As excited as Tehn was for her family she was even more grateful to be sitting next her grandparents, Eran and Elenora. Tehn never grew tired of grandfather’s stories.

One Year ago
It wasn’t the Gleeman’s silky voice, nor his tight britches, that Tehn first noticed while he preformed at the Blue Rose inn in Canluum. It was his eyes, the Gleeman Osaul Dyl, had eyes so green they seemed to penetrate to her very soul. The Kandori woman became infatuated with the Gleeman’s worldly knowledge as well as his silver tongued descriptions of his adventures. She began looking for excuses to be around the Gleeman spending all her free time with the storyteller. Eventually, they became lovers, and when Osaul told her he was leaving for the south, to Illian, to join the Great Hunt she quickly volunteered to go with him. Fearing her family’s protest Tehn left in the middle of the night with no warning and a hastily written note to explain her actions.

Two weeks ago
Tehn was seething, she had been a fool to trust the man, the philanderer. Osaul was caught in the arms of another woman, and not for the first time. It seemed in every city between the borderlands and Illian there was an indiscretion with Osaul and another woman. His trysts became more frequent and less discreet the farther from Kandor they traveled. This was the last straw Tehn was determined to swear the oath without him…      

…. The resolute woman was startled from her reminiscing by some loud laughter. Kittens tangle your yarn, men tangle your wits, and it's simple as breathing for both, she cursed ruefully while she took another sip of the fine red she had been nursing.  

Starting Gear:

Items worn:
Explorer's outfit: 10 mk. n/a
Dagger 2 mk. 1 lbs.
MW Rapier: 320 mk. 3 lbs.
Shortbow 30 mk. 2 lbs.
arrows (20) 1 mk. 3 lbs.
Subtotal: 363 mk. 9 lbs.

Belt Pouch: 1 mk. 1 lbs.

in belt pouch on body
Small Steel Mirror 10 mk. .5 lbs
Sewing needle (x2) 1 mk. 0 lbs
Playing cards 10 mk. .25 lbs

Subtotal: 22.0 mk. 1.75 lbs.

Belt Pouch: 1 mk. 1 lbs.

in belt pouch on body
Healing balm (x2) [Background]

Subtotal: 0.0 mk. 2 lbs.

Belt Pouch: 1 mk. 1 lbs.

in belt pouch on belt 

Whetstone: 2 cp. 1 lbs. 

Flint and Steel: 1 mk. n/a 

Subtotal: 3.02 mk. 2 lbs.

Horse, light [Background]
Carried by horse
Bit and bridle [Background] 1 lbs
Saddle, riding [Background] 30 lbs
on saddle 

Hemp rope (50 ft.) 1 mk. 10 lbs.

Saddlebags: 4 mk. 8 lbs.

in saddlebags: 
Tent: 10 mk. 20 lbs. 

feed (10 days) 5 sp. 100 lbs
Bedroll: 1 sp. 5 lbs. 

Winter Banket 5 sp. 3 lbs. 

Trail rations (10 days) 5 mk. 10 lbs. 

Waterskin: 1 mk. 4 lbs.
Subtotal: 23.1 mk. 191 lbs

800 mk. Beginning wealth (388.89 left)

Carry Capacity
Light load: 50 lb. or less 

Medium load: 51 lb./ 100 lbs. 

Heavy load: 101 lb./ 150 lbs. 

Lift over head: 150 lb. 

Lift off ground: 300 lb. 

Push or drag: 750 lb.

Total load: 14.75