
TechieMoe's page

Organized Play Member. 28 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters.

Silver Crusade

This weekend my group went through a scenario where we were attacked by a group of four harpies (what's the word for that anyway? A murder? A quartet?) As the first harpy used its flyby attack on me I asked the GM if I got an attack of opportunity.

...This caused quite a spirited debate, mostly about whether flyby attacks are treated the same as ride-by attacks, and everything stopped for a few minutes. Books were consulted, grognards tapped on the shoulder, and no one really had a clear yes or no. The GM eventually decided by fiat that the attack didn't provoke and moved on.

It's absolutely within the GM's purview to make this call, but I believe the ruling was incorrect. I don't care about the adventure itself - we all made it out okay - but for future reference should *I* run a scenario with harpies I want to make sure I'm not making the game unnecessarily difficult on my PCs because of a misunderstanding of the rules.

I'd like someone with more knowledge than I to definitively answer this, and give page numbers and book names to back it up so if it ever comes up again I can say, "It's this way because XXX rule on page YYY says so."

Silver Crusade 1/5

Slap me with a herring if this is too basic of a question or it's been answered on some FAQ somewhere...when I GM a scenario, can the players play more than one character at a time? I don't see any hard and fast rules on the matter.

The reason this comes up is more often than not my personal group has issues getting a quorum - so I end up having to fill the extra seats with NPCs/pregens. It would be more fun for everyone involved if the players got to play with their own characters.

Silver Crusade 1/5

I have a third-level Cleric of Sarenrae with the Healing and Fire domains. Fire hasn't really proven all that useful to me, so I'd like to rework it to something else, maybe Glory.

I've seen threads on changing deities, but not on changing domains while keeping the same deity. Is it legal to change domains? Does it require GM approval or something like an atonement?

Silver Crusade 1/5

I'm new to PFS, having just started playing a few months ago. I *love* playing PFRPG, and most of the PFS events I've attended have been great. The vast majority of people in my local PFS enthusiast group are decent, nice people.

Unfortunately, we do have some bad eggs. One of them happens to be the guy who organizes our events. He's unpleasant to say the least - actively trying to run off new players, kill the tables he GMs, and just being a general all-around ogre. The people I speak to in the group all agree with this assessment but they just shrug and say, "That's him."

I think they put up with it because, for all his faults, he does keep PFS running and organized. I want to love PFS and play more of it, but I feel that it's inevitable that I'll come into conflict with this person - especially if I GM more. This PFS group is the only one close to me, so it's not like I can just go somewhere else. I've made friends among the other players so I'd hate to leave all that behind.

Any advice?