Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() Akirra wrote: Gesturing at the others he implores, Please join me. You all must be hungry. And thirsty! as he gestures for you to join him. With a smirk of amusement, Tebati reminds him, "This is familiar to you, your home; to us, it is a strange prison. Could you comfortably sit in chains and eat without at least seeing how long is your tether?" She looks around at the other doors. "If we cannot convince the ziggurat to release us, we may yet be glad to take advantage of the Order's accommodations as an alternative to starvation." ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() Qhude wrote: Qhude sneers as Akirra tastes of the ancient and witch-wrought sustenance, hissing through his teeth. "They built a hole they could wither and die in..." "Rather, a hole in which they could live quite luxuriously," Tebati corrects Qhude. "The Grand Custodian's palace cannot boast such accomodations." The amusement smooths off of her face as she goes on, "With such a fortress, neither the greed of the Free Captains nor the armies of Avistan would need trouble him. How much, I wonder, have his sages dared hope would lie within his prize?" ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() "Is any of this any more real than the walls were?" Tebati asks Ansha of the surroundings. "Have you any memories of this room?" she adds to Akirra. Finding a tavern inside the pyramid seems unlikely to her -- but, honestly, no more unlikely than many of the other secrets the structure has revealed. ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() Akirra wrote: Akirra looks at Tebati somewhat perplexed, I'm sorry, what? "The Third Treatise the voice demanded," she clarifies, looking around at the dead end. "It would seem that without it, even if we defeat the guardians, we might not be allowed to leave the level." ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() :P She was all worried about him and trying to find a way to heal him too, last round of combat. In my defense, of course, that was back in December. convert grace to cure moderate wounds on Kieran 2d8 + 4 ⇒ (3, 1) + 4 = 8 Meh. Crappy rolls for a 2nd-level spell. She smirks at Akirra. "What was that Third Treatise, again?" Looking around the room, she adds, "Could this be a false passageway? Perhaps the true portal is protected by the spinning blades. Should we examine the room upstairs more closely?" ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() Tebati moved to -C52 last round, which doesn't seem to have made it onto the map. Seeing the metal ball slash Kieran yet again, Tebati pushes past Ansha and lays her hand on Akirra's arm. "Destroy the sphere before it cuts him to ribbons!" she demands. "May Shimye-Megalla strengthen you for the task." Move to -C54; cast Bit of Luck on Akirra Entitles him to reroll of his Acrobatics and attack rolls, though he might well not need them. ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() Seething her frustration at being separated from the action by the blade trap, Tebati enters the room and presents her holy symbol, withholding the benefits of the burst of energy that results from the spheres and the wax man. Move to -C52; selectively channel positive energy 2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7 She's acting in response to Kieran being injured, so slot her in the initiative order after the spheres. ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() Tebati's last action was to Bit of Luck Qhude. The AoO is nice, but he should get a reroll of that 6 on his main attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 Still a miss; I should have let AK roll it. ;P With Akirra in one doorway and Ansha in the other, Tebati hesitates in the hallway, unsure where she might next be needed. Delay ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() Kieran Markavien wrote: I think Bit of Luck no longer applies, right? Ummm, right. Actually I think it shouldn't have applied on your AoOs or saves, either. Tebati cast it out of combat rounds, but it should have ended on her next initiative, which was her first initiative, which was before the spheres. AK rolled high enough for you that, unless a 22 saves but a 21 doesn't, it doesn't look like it made any difference, though. You should have protection from law up on your effects, as well as guidance, unless you've already used it since stepping into the room. It lasts 1 minute or until you use it. ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() Tebati reaches around the doorframe and touches Qhude with a blessing. "Shimye-Magalla grant you victory," she urges. Remembering how little she was able to accomplish against the wax men a few floors up, she nevertheless readies her trident, just in case. Bit of Luck on Qhude; draw weapon ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() Tebati wrote: If he can't get to the traps to disable them without stepping on the abjured floor, Tebati will cast at least protection from law and guidance on him before he goes in. Ought we to tie a rope around his waist so we can pull him out, if necessary? Oh, and Bit of Luck just before he steps in. It's only good for 6 seconds, but that's probably as long as it'll take to trigger the abjuration. ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() Tebati intervenes quickly. "You would send him into unknown danger?" she asks Ansha pointedly. "Send in Akirra first; he is more sure of the benevolence of the builders than the rest of us." Tebati won't protest Kieran giving the room a once-over from the doorway, but she won't accede to him going in without some precautions being taken. At this point, she'll convert shield of faith to clw for him 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12, but she'll insist on casting other spells if he's going to actually enter the room. EDIT: Link to description of room, for convenience ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() Tebati shoots Jakob an alarmed look, hoping he is joking. "Keep in mind," she tells Akirra, "that as much faith as you have in the leaders of your own Order, we are here to deliver these secrets to those whom even we do not trust to do well with them. Are you not at all uneasy about what an unscrupulous person might do with such powers at his disposal?" She turns back to Jakob. "If you can make a plant grow by thinking it.... In the room with the map on the surface of the water, perhaps it can display more than a map. If you think of the Treatises of Arioch, perhaps it might show them?" ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() Yes, but then it comes straight from Shimye-Magalla herself who is in charge of the whole water cycle. She just dips a bit of natural water out of the system and hand-delivers it, none of your godless corporate manufactured water. ;) "I have no doubt that the mages of the Magaambya could lift fish out of the river and into their cooking pots," Tebati replies, "but their kitchens still buy fish from people like my father and my uncles and cousins. There is value in people working with their hands in the water and their heads bare to the sky. It keeps them in touch with the natural order, lest they decide in their arrogance they have no need for it." She leaves no doubt that she believes the Order of Arioch is a prime example of such hubris. Turning to Jakob and Ansha, she asks, "Ought we not to remove the dead things from the room? The magic might have power to revive them." She keeps a wary eye on the thorn-shooting bush to see if it is recovering from its aggressive pruning like the trampled plants are. ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() The immediate danger dealt with, Tebati cautiously enters the conservatory. The more organic surroundings fail to dispel her sense of unease, as the plants are growing in such an unnatural environment, cut off from authentic sunlight and rain. "This seems an unlikely setting to discover the Third Treatise of Arioch," she remarks dryly. ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() "I put a blessing on Kieran to protect him from the snakes," she answers promptly, then smiles. "Like Qhude, I find most of the demands of this expedition ill-suited to my talents. If we fight the plant-creatures, both his strength and my healing ought finally to be useful, but I have nothing prepared to deal with poison or disease, even if we knew which we were dealing with." ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() All right; thanks. That's how I'd figured it, although it took me some time to collect the pieces and put them together. "If we haven't learned the password the voice demanded to descend the stairs," Tebati points out, "we have little choice but to seek it among the undead plants. I don't suppose any of these inscriptions refer to the the Third Treatise of Arioch. Perhaps one of these heroes took it as a personal motto?" She turns inquiringly to the members of the group who can read Azlanti, gesturing around at the statues. ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() "Is it safe to go in?" Tebati asks, seeming to direct her query in particular to Kieran and Ansha. "Or will they all come to life and try to kill us like the wax creatures in the entry room?" She's keen to examine the Mwangi statues more closely but will wait on a Perception and detect magic first. ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() "If there were other fortresses of the Order," Tebati reminds him, "they are most assuredly no longer standing, or we should have heard of you before." Given Qhude's orientation, she tries to locate the general area of the map where Nantambu would lie. Knowledge (geography) 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 ![]()
Female Human (Bonuwat) Cleric 4
![]() "A map?" Tebati asks, cautiously trailing Jakob to the tub-device. "Geography changes over time. The wind and wave will grind away even the greatest mountain to a desert full of sand. Akirra," she asks the awakened sleeper, "does this terrain look familiar to you at all?" Knowledge (geography) 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 And once again, an untrained knowledge check beats my PC's maxed-out one. :P