Teacherman32's page

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Thanks for the feedback!

Yes I have.

I have a player who is now rolling a new character, we are almost to the end of book 2. He wants this character to have hooks in the adventure. Needless to say he was thinking of making his characters background have to do with Dahak, but I gave him the heads up that the adventure is about to steer away from Dahak (I have only read through the 3rd book so it might circle back).

Anyway he was wondering if anyone that has played through the adventure could give me some non spoilery info that might help tie his character into the story. here is a brief idea of what he is going for:

"A hobgoblin tyrant champion whose worship of warfare drives him to continue testing himself against greater foes, with Darwinian convictions and a vehement aversion to those who prey wantonly on the weak. He is from Tian Xia."

Thanks for any and all help you guys/girls can give!

Thanks for the responses. I'm not sure I agree with the recall knowledge idea, however it does seem like a reasonable idea. I think it still feels too punishing, what about the idea of just having creatures get a bonus to their will save at levels above player levels as the gap grows the bonus grows?

I get that, but then if they attempt to use a spell that only effects creature of a certain level on a creature that is higher level (but they don't know that it is) do they just loose that spell? Seems pretty punishing.

Hi all,
My players and myself are wondering if player characters are supposed to innately know the level of NPC's or creatures due to how certain spells interact. I couldn't find anything on this, so I thought I'd ask here.
Thanks for your time.