Tausra's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Character: Marisol Arenas
Race/Class: Level 8 Fey Prankster Naiad
Location: The Wreck of the Banshee
Catalyst: Dominate Monster

The Captain drowned on her way up for air, after spending 30 rounds fighting an illusion that she knew wasn't real.

We just started Sunday, jumping right to the beginning of book 3. The GM allowed us our pick of ships and we chose a modified schooner. We named her "Tempest Rose", and her crew is:

Captain Marisol Arenas, a Human Storm Druid, level 7. The Captain is Chaotic Neutral, with a live and let go mindset, until such time as someone gets in her way. She doesn't mind competition, and loves a fair game, its only when people interfere that she gets upset.

Quartermaster Namkitu, a Kitsune Vexing Daredevil Mesmerist. Namkitu, now nicknamed Jewels (botched a pickpocket roll), is Lawful Neutral, his code of conduct is a simple one "Whatever the Captain says". Which we've realized means unless Marisol specifically says not to do something he will do it.

Master Gunner Maliven, an Undine Spellslinger Wizard. They are Chaotic Neutral with a serious tendency towards cheating, spite and pettiness. Has already shot the Captain for calling them Mop, after they had passed out in the Tavern.

Striker Mermaider, a merman Ranger with a pet Shark, Bitey. The striker seems to be Chaotic Neutral, after threatening to feed the Hurricaine King's men to Bitey if they cheated. He and the Captain enjoy a close relationship, sharing a similar outlook.

Cook Brock, an Oread Brawler. The Cook is a vegetarian, as he reminded the crew a dozen times, and is Neutral. Referred to as Anchor, Brock specializes in watching and looming over people.

I had an idea for a Skulls and Shackles vigilante whose social Identity was a Chelish Noble, and whose vigilante identity was a daring, swashbuckling pirate. It would add some fun layers to the AP. Currently, I have a player in Carrion Crown playing a vigilante whose social ID is as librarian and scribe. His vigilante ID is a Vampire hunting cabalist.

So my players are convinced that the Beast has at least one brother running around. The heard about the Shambling Man, found the surgical tools, the missing bodies and are certain the Whispering Way is hiding in the Swamp. They just met the wraiths, which only strengthens their assumptions. I'm not sure if I should reward this theory or stay bound to the book.

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Aroden. His death was greatly exaggerated, instead he left the decadence and corruption of Avistan behind and went West. In Arcadia he is known by a hundred names, and it is from here that he shall "return". His glorious return/invasion of the Inner Sea will Herald a new age for the planet.

What's his back story? What are the player's interests? If it doesn't interest the player then the character won't bite

1. Occultist, I loved it from the moment I read it, and I've been able to play such a wide variety of characters from it.

2. Investigator, skills, alchemy, and the ability to buff others? Yes, please.

3. Paladin. I am the only one at my table who plays paladins, and I absolutely love the class; it isn't right for every game.