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![]() Hello, I am the DM of a game, and on Saturday, my villainous druid summoned (at first) a bear, then after the bear was killed, a dire ape. With the bear, I announced it was "full attack"ing a PC, and the whole table was all "you can't do that". So we looked at the rules. I couldn't find anything where it said a newly summoned creature doesn't get it's full attacks the round it appears, but I let it go, in the interest of moving things along. Since it was getting very late (2am), we decided to end the session at the top of the round when the ape will appear. I told the group I was going to do more investigation, so when we play next weekend, I'll know whether the ape will make one attack, or three. So, help us out here. A summoned creature gets full attacks as soon as it appears, yes? (The druid spent the entire previous round casting the spell, so there's nothing odd about the casting) Thank you kindly. T ![]()
![]() Hi all, I was looking at the domain choices of Erastil and Ketephys, and I noticed that for being gods of the hunt, they don’t really have a domain focused on hunting, as in the pursuit and killing of an animal. So I’m creating my own and I would appreciate some help. The Hunt Domain Granted Powers: 1st Level: Hawkeye (Su): As a swift action, you may add a bonus equal to half your cleric level (minimum +1) on one ranged attack or on one Perception check. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. 5th Level: ? (I am thinking of granting a form of Favored Enemy, usable only towards animals, use cleric level as ranger level for increasing bonus) Spells: 1st: Hide from Animals
So, what do you think? Am I stepping on the Ranger’s and/or Druid’s toes too much? Are the spells and abilities okay? Anyone else do something like this? ![]()
![]() Hi everybody, I have a player who has an insane bonus to his Swim skill, and who is negating any barrier function the rivers serve by swimming across with a rope, tying ti to a tree (so far they have only explored the Narlmarch, and stayed away from the Kamelands-they are convinced the Stag Lord lives in the woods), and then having the other party members use the rope to guide themselves over. They even get the horses over, because our Druid has a huge Handle Animal score. So far I've been saying it takes a few hours to get across, so they lose some exploration time (usually I add an extra day to the time to explore the hex), but is there anything else I can do? I've been thinking about having a tree break, and sweeping some folks down the river, but that might be too deadly. (Also, our group lost a child to drowning a few years back, and I'm trying not to trigger anything). Maybe I could just say they lose some horses. ![]()
![]() Hello all, So, I had this idea about the Stag Lord being a recurring character, and so I wanted to change his background a bit. Instead of being a stone drunk, he is sober, and has aspirations to rule the Stolen Lands as true bandit lord, as so many others in the River Kingdoms do. To further this goal, he made a pact with an otherworldly source (the big N) for the powers to persuade or force others to do his bidding. Things will go well for him at first, until the PCs arrive and start killing his people, ending with a showdown that he will flee from. He will find some sacred spot where he can contact N, and rail against her for not giving him enough power, at which point she gives him an upgrade: she turns him from a man into a man/elk monster, basically like a minotaur but replace bull with elk. That way he can come back at the PCs for revenge, possible as part of Hargulka's band, or as a replacement for Hargulka. Or maybe the transformation drives him mad, and he rages through the forest, and becomes something they have to take time out of kingdom building to deal with, I don't know. What do you guys think? Any ideas on how to improve this plot? Any problems you foresee? ![]()
![]() Hey all, I just started DMing this path (first time behind the screen in ten years, first time ever for Pathfinder). I don't yet own all the modules, and I have a question about the relationship between the Ring of Swimming in the Barbarian Cairn, and Book 4. What is it? I assume there will be some sort of reaction from the Tiger Lords, but what are the specific circumstances of the ring? Can it be replaced with a Necklace of some sort? Or even a weapon? Also, how long ago was the cairn placed? Would a PC from the Tiger Lords have any inclination of what it is? The party sorcerer is a runaway from the Tiger Lords (he was going to be a sacrifice, I think, I really need to get him to clarify that). (If anyone wants to know the rest of the party, check out the "Who are your Kingmakers?" thread) ![]()
![]() Hello all, I saw a throwaway line in another thread, and it got me thinking: would it be unbalancing to use Cold Iron as a type of Anti-Magic device? Specifically, I had two uses in mind: 1) Mage prison-an arcane caster that is surrounded by cold iron bars must make a caster check vs DC 25 (maybe 30) to cast any spells. 2) Cold Iron Armor-this armor has a rating 1 lower than it's usual rating, but grants the wearer SR 10 + whatever the original bonus is for the type of armor (ie, a chain shirt would grant AC +3, but SR 14). Cost modifiers are as for cold iron weapons. Anyone see anything wrong with this stuff? Either mechanically, or any logical ramifications? Help would be appreciated. Tauric ![]()
![]() Hello all, My group and I are planning on playing Kingmaker (I will DM) after our current campaign (CoT), but we have also been watching RoW with much excitement. Our first idea was to do them back to back, with the action of RoW starting in the kingdom. But I was thinking that given the fae heavy themes of each book, are they too much alike? And then I wondered, are there certain scenarios, not necessarily modules, just bits, that could be lifted from RoW and put in Kingmaker? I think it would lend an even greater fairy-tale feel to the story. ![]()
![]() Hello, I am thinking about changing the location of the AP (to a homebrew world, not in Golarion), but the geography I have chosen does not support a nation in the locale of Mivon. Pittax is okay, the are on the edge of the great frontier forest, just as our heroes will be, but I just don't see a way of justifying Mivon's existence. (I have dispensed with the whole Swordlord business, so I don't need anywhere for them to flee). I only have the first three books of the AP, but I have read several campaign journals and advice threads, so I think I can get away without Mivon, but I just wanted outright confirmation. Thanks in advance, Tauric |