Jhofre Vascari

Tarzan's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thank you.

So we were having a debate last night on if Mind Blank would cancel out the effects of Foresight, but the wording on Foresight says it just tells you what will happen to you, not who will do it. So, even though it says the character can not be flat footed, being feinted by a character with mind blank would catch that person flat footed. Currently its about 50/50 onthe ruling, what would you say?

Thank you. Our GM is known for altering rules to kill his current target so i just wanted to make sure.

So, i know you have likely answered this before, but recently in our last game there was an issue where I (the player) knocked a flying enemy prone using the Gunslinger Archetype Pistolero ability Twin Shot Knockdown. Now, to me, knocking a flying creature prone means i make it fall to the ground. The DM at the time was uncertain (and since he likes to try and kill me) ruled that it gets a fly check to negate the prone condition. Now, to me, thats like saying a standing enemy can use tumble to negate the prone condition as well, but, seeing as how i have never really seen any rules for this sort of happening, what would you say the ruling would be?

Now there are, with the addition of Gunslingers. They have a specific ability (pistolero archtype; twin shot knockdown) that if you hit with two attacks, you spend one grit point and knock the enemy prone. We were recently playing an 18th level game where i was a half celestial human gunslinger, and ran into this situation. I had the snap shot feats so i could be in melee, (i had the best ac anyway, being out of melee made no sense) and we were fighting an infernal, i hit him with all of my attacks, and knocked him prone. Our GM ruled that a small fly skill check would allow the Infernal no penalties, but that would mean that the entire ability would be negated. Using that logic, you should be able to use a tumble skill check to avoid becoming prone in any situation. Becasue of that ruling I got shafted and died twice practically (our sorceror had time heal).