Hellknight Signifer

Tardin's page

9 posts. Organized Play character for JASON RODARTE.


Dark Archive

I have yet to open the pack that I bought but am worried about not having a good sheet and am unsure about buying the pdf.

Dark Archive

I need to be able to sit down and create a character to see how it works out. Herolab is no help for at least 2 or so weeks.

Dark Archive

I had the same issue but I should have the books well before the August 1st date. In theory, At least.

Dark Archive

I got my notification that the books were on the way and that I could download the books. When I go to the download it gives me a message that they cannot yet be downloaded.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I will purchase the first few items, but I have cancelled my subscriptions for 2nd edition. I might get them back later but I don't want to spend too much money on something that I have yet to really see developed.

Dark Archive

Is there any word as to whether or not there will be free pdf with subscription?

Dark Archive

Do we know when these options will be available for PFS?

Dark Archive

Grandloungegracias wrote:
Level 7


Dark Archive

what level would this be for?