Nickold Starweather

Tamuzi's page

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LN Human Female | Wizard (conjuror 2) ||HP 15/15 | AC 12 (16) Touch 12 Flat 10 CMD 11| Fort 2 Ref 2 Will 3 | Init 6 Per 1 (4 in bright light) |Speed 30 | Acid dart 8/8 (touch +3, 30ft, 1d6) | Smokestick, Alchemist fire, Acid Flask | 41gp |
Perception 1, Spellcraft 10, Craft 9, Knowledge (arcana) 10, Knowledge (Planes) 10, Knowledge (Religion) 10, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 9, Knowledge (nobility) 10, Use Magic Device +4, Knowledge (History) +9
Spells Memorised:
L0 (3+1): Detect Magic, Prestidigitation , Mage Hand, Read Magic | L1: Mage Armour (+4AC), Summon Monster I , Enlarge Person, Summon Monster I, Grease

Yes. Given the high chance of fatigue I may need to be strategic about when fast casting is actually necessary, although I quite like it - it reminds me of raistlin majere.