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![]() Hey there folks, Tried to search for an answer to this however spell combat brings up a barrage of topics that aren't exactly what I'm looking for. I suppose the core of the question is when exactly do you declare you are casting defensibly? The main reason this is coming up is with one of my Players as a Magus. He seems to think it should play out as, Attack, Declare casting defensibly (taking additional penalties to attack to increase the bonus) Cast Spell, Thereby dodging the penalties to his attack. I think it should play out like most other things of this nature, where it's chosen at the start of the entire action, and the penalties would apply to the physical attacks as well. Relevant ability quote here: "If he casts this spell defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his Intelligence bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the spell is wasted, but the attacks still take the penalty." casting is certainly not my strongest rules area, so I'm willing to admit I may be mistaken here. TL;DR, Do you declare casting defensively at the start of the action, or directly before casting the spell? ![]()
![]() So after 5 min of googling at nearly 4 am, I decided to just post here. Our group is about 3 books into our current campaign so naturally we are starting to think about the next one. It was pitched to me that we should try making our characters under "play it where it lies" rules. As in, rather then assigning your rolls, you roll each stat individually and make due with what you get. I was curious if anyone had any experiences with this? I'll be running the game, so I'm just trying to get ahead of the bus here and head off some problems before they occur. Off to bed I go, Thanks for any help folks! ![]()
![]() Hey there folks (this could go rules/advice so it's a bit of both?) I tried searching for an answer however searching for "disable" obviously brings up a ton of unrelated material. Let me preface this by saying I have a huge bias against anything that I'd classify as "save or die" as I don't think it makes for a fun encounter at all. I'm looking at the first level psion power Disable and how it seems a smidge powerful. I assume I'm overlooking something and hopefully someone can help. This seems like a amped up sleep spell, with a very high hd cap (lvl+3 if you go all out in most cases) Disables the target for 1min a level. So I'm pretty much looking at this as a save or die vs things of up to 3 hd above your class level. 2 Main things I want to double check: First, it mentions if you take a standard action to do something then you break free, but the point of the spell is to make them think they are disabled and can't do anything. It does feel very odd from a GM perspective that the spell lasts for 1 min a level, unless they attempt to do anything in that time. Second, Disabled, sounds like it would count as helpless, but again given the above, it seems that it doesn't actually stop them from doing anything, since soon as they do something they stop being helpless, so would this qualify for a teammate delivering a coup de grace? If this was just a 1 round stun I wouldn't think of it as that big of a deal, but a spell that saves or dies a target of higher cr seems a bit cheap to me. *** Skip to hear to get right to the question*** Does Disable allow for a Coup De Grace? Has anyone else found this spell problematic? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Howdy folks So after doing a quick audit of my teams treasure to see how everyone's gear is looking (horribly unbalanced, so much for letting them handle spliting it up). I noticed some of my folks are way behind on gear and are looking for some suggestions. However, I generally don't build casters, so I'm not to sure of some good higher level goodies, for some stats we've got a Bonded Witch and a Starsoul Sorc Blaster. If I could get some suggestions on gear that would be great. These two just hit level 15 and one is holding 28000 in loot and the other is holding only 68000 in loot. So they really need to gear up. Thanks for the help. P.S. I did try checking some guides, but I noticed caster guides rarely seem to include gear sections. ![]()
![]() Howdy folks (decided to put a warning here as I ramble a lot but I'm at work and it's slow so I have time, this may be long) I was just curious about how other gm's run things and player thoughts on it, as a general rule of thumb, I hate weak encounters. I generally find them to be snore filled slugfests not worth the time they waste. For example, we are playing though Way of the Wicked. An evil campaign I'm quite enjoying (I'll be avoiding spoilers) however the players are closing in on 15th level now and more and more I find myself looking at some of the fights and going meh why bother. I'm thinking I may be a bit bias as I find these encounters to be a waste of time where the players will use virtually no resources, and beat the guys around like crib locked babies. Now perhaps this has it's place, the players should certainly get to feel strong too at times, and there are ways to do that rather than just overcoming a massive challenge, but these fights just seem like wasted potential, each one is a fight that COULD have been interesting. More and more as the campaign goes on I find myself wanting to gloss over the filler fights and get to the good stuff. Is this a common issue? I know back when I did homebrew campaigns I had an issue with all my fights being life or death, and honestly I preferred it that way, though the Nova factor of pathfinder doesn't exactly lean itself towards that. TL DR: what are your guys thoughts and the weak filler fights? remove them? Amp them up to 11? How do you all handle it /enjoy it? ![]()
![]() Alrighty, I want to destroy the perception skill. Every single player in every campaign I've run in the last two years has maxed perception, and I can't even say I blame them it is by far the most common skill check I see.(though I'm sure this is partially my fault) As such, I'd like to completely remove it as a skill and break it down among other related skills. Though I do still see a need for a generic perception check at times, as such I'm thinking of making it just a plane ol wisdom check. anyone else have any alternate ways to deal with perception and it's king of skills status. ![]()
![]() Does anyone have any advice on creating one of these guys? Nothing fancy, just a good ol TWF sawtooth sabre classic build would be nice. Normally don't have trouble tracking down any advice but I can hardly find anything on these guys. I was thinking of starting ranger to cut down on the dex requirements, but I don't think you'd get high enough with it to justify it as a base. ANyway, any input would be great. Thanks folks ![]()
![]() Howdy folks Recently in my current game, our resident Magus managed to get his eyeballs blown out by a particularly nasty lich. Now the player is looking at a few options for continuing despite his lack of sight. So far our options come down to 1: Install an evil artifact the party has gotten their hands on and using UMD to trick it into working with him.( I made another thread regarding this possibility) or 2: Work out a prestige or arch type type solution , Currently he is a lvl 10 black blade magus, which he does share senses with though that, so he was looking at something that would increase the strength of the bond between them and rely on the sword completely for his senses, which I thought would be an interesting opportunity, As such, I figured I'd pop on here and get some thoughts/ideas on the concept. Naturally the player could just get a scroll or whatnot to restore his eyes eventually, but I do much prefer the roleplaying aspects of doing it this way. ![]()
![]() Could you trick an artifact into helping you even if you aren't the appropriate alignment to use it using Use Magic Device to emulate another alignment? A player of mine brought it up, it does seem like he would be able to trick it , though I"m not sure how often he'd need to make the checks, lol sadly this is the easier part to hammer out, convincing the paladin to let him use it till they can destroy it is another matter... ![]()
![]() Just a quick question that I was having trouble tracking down an answer too (somehow kept ending up in mounted combat threads O.o) Does the Summoner's Aspect or Greater Aspect require your Eidolon to be summoned to divert the evolution points to yourself? it really doesn't clarify under what conditions your Eidolon can be used as a slurpy straw of evolutiony goodness Thanks in advance ^_^ ![]()
![]() Howdy folks, I was thinking about trying something a little different with my next campaign. I always have the most fun early on before multiple attacks become available, so I was thinking, well what if we just do away with full attacks all together, before just diving in and seeing how it turns out, does anyone have any thoughts on things that should be considered? As of now I'm thinking spellcasters could prove even stronger under this method, though my group tends to be rather spellcaster light, I think we've only had 1 full caster (exception of healing clerics) in the last 2 or 3 years. Though I was thinking of perhaps just having full attacks only have each creature only struck ones per round... Anyway, just something I was thinking on trying and wanted some discussion before I started. |