Member of Church of Razmir

Taka's page

35 posts. Alias of Agamon the Dark.

About Taka

Name: Taka Tamahashi
Background: Hyperelite
Faction: Anarchist
Morph: Ghost
Gender Identity: Male
Actual Age: 26
Current Moxie Points: 5
Rez Points: 0
+ Promote anarchism
+ Advance techno-progressivism
+ Acquire alternate synth morph

COG 30(5); COO 30; INT 20; REF 30(5,+10); SAV 10; SOM 20(5,+5); WIL 10(5)

MOX: (5) TT: (4) LUC: (20) IR: (40) WT: (10) DUR: (50) DR: (75) INIT: (130) SPD: (1/2) DB: (2)

Damage and Stress


Energy 14
Kinetic 15

Cyberclaws (50/1d10+5+shock/-2)
Hand Laser (45/2d10/0)




Academic: Computer Science 70(5)
Academic: Cryptography 65(5)
Academic: Engineering 50(5)
Academic: Mathematics 50(5)
Animal Handling 10
Art: Performance[Piano] 60[70]
Beam Weapons 45(10)
Blades 20(5/5)
Climbing 35(5/5)
Clubs 20(5/5)
Deception 35
Disguise 20
Flight 20(5/5)
Fray 50(5/10)
Freefall 40(5/10)
Freerunning 30(5/5)
Gunnery 20
Hardware: Electronics 60(5)
Hardware: Implants 45(5)
Hardware: Robotics 45(5)
Impersonation 10
Infiltration 45(10)
Infosec[Decryption] 80[90](5)
Interest: VR Games 55(5)
Interest: Hacker Mesh Forums 65(5)
Interfacing 60(5)
Intimidation 10
Investigation 20
Kinesics 30
Kinetic Weapons 30(10)
Language: Japanese 90
Language: English 60
Language: Mandarin 35
Language: Portuguese 35
Language: Hindi 30
Navigation 20
Networking: Autonomists 65
Networking: Criminals 30
Networking: Ecologists 10
Networking: Firewall 10
Networking: Hypercorps 30
Networking: Media 10
Networking: Scientists 25
Palming 30
Perception 60
Persuasion 25
Pilot: Aircraft 30(5/10)
Pilot: Anthroform 30(5/10)
Pilot: Exotic Vehicle 30(5/10)
Pilot: Groundcraft 40(5/10)
Pilot: Spacecraft 45(5/10)
Pilot: Watercraft 30(5/10)
Programming 70(5)
Protocol 20
Psychosurgery 20
Research 55(5)
Scrounging 20
Seeker Weapons 30(10)
Spray Weapons 30(10)
Swimming 20(5/5)
Throwing Weapons 30(10)
Unarmed Combat 50(5/5)

@-Rep: 80
C-Rep: 0
E-Rep: 0
F-Rep: 0
G-Rep: 50
I-Rep: 0
R-Rep: 30

Ego Traits
Danger Sense, Expert (Infosec), Math Wiz, Situational Awareness, Addiction (Level 1, Mesh Use), Black Mark (Level 1, Lunar), Enemy (Father), On The Run (Tsukomo)

Morph Traits
Limber (Level 1)

Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical Stack, Direction Sense, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Eidetic Memory, Adrenal Boost, Bioweave Armor (light), Chameleon Skin, Circadian Regulation, Eelware, Grip Pads, Skin Pockets (2), Electrical Sense, Access Jacks, Mnemonic Augmentation, Cyberclaws, Hand Laser, Hardened Skeleton, Oxygen Reserve, Medichines, Mental Speed, Skinlink, Wrist-Mounted Tools, Nanotats

Micrograv Shoes, Smart Clothing, Tools (kit), Backup Insurance (mod), Programs [Exploit, Spoof, Tracking, XP (Low)], Standard Muse (Jiyu), Smart Skin, Armor Clothing, Armor Vest (w/Self-Healing), 2050 cr.

Points Spent:


Morph 80, Attributes 0, Moxie 60, Rep 11, Pos Traits 45, Neg Traits -40, Sleights 0, Active Skills 520, Knowledge skills 300, Specialize 10, Credits 14

Unspent 0

Taka is the 3rd son of Yomiro Tamahashi, CEO of the Go-Nin Group in Tsukomo, Luna. A classically-trained pianist from a very young age, Taka was also gifted in the area of technology. Growing up in an overly controlled environment, along with a life of luxury, Taka grew bored and began to rebel as a teen. However, instead of growing out of this phase, he started to strongly identify with it, and used his tech skills to become a hacker. At age 16, during the time of The Fall, as an attack against his overbearing father, he hacked the secure servers of Go-Nin, causing company-wide strife, before fleeing Luna. He sold the expensive sylph morph his parents had gifted him in anticipation of his life as a performer, and acquired a ghost morph, better to gain access to areas he would need to spread anarchism, as well as to hide from those that his father sent to capture him. He's been able to stay one step ahead of the bounty hunters sent after him for 10 years, all the while causing chaos, not for fun or fame, but to break down the rigid walls of habitats' governing bodies and the hypercorps' economic control in the Inner System.