Hobgoblin Battle Priest

Tagolan Xeris's page

127 posts. Alias of Xan Nes.

Full Name

Tagolan Xeris


39/39 hp; 15 AC 15; Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +2; BAB+3; CMD 18; CMB +5; Init +5


Ranger [Shape Shifter] 3


Male Hobgoblin





Special Abilities

Sneaky; Darkvision; Shifter Blessing



Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 16
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 11

About Tagolan Xeris

HP: 39
AC: 13 (10+3Dex)
Fort: +6, Ref: +6; Will +2

Attack: Melee +5; Range +6
2 Claws +6 (1d4+2)
Longbow +6 (1d8)


Climb +8
Perception +7
Stealth +13
Bluff +7
Survival +7
Knowledge(Geography) +7
Spellcraft +7

Feats and Abilities:

lvl 1 Feat: Favored Defence (Giant)
Fighting Style Feat:Aspect of the Beast (Claws of the Beast)
Lvl 3 Feat: Weapon Focus- Claws
Feat: Endurance (Gained as bonus due to three levels of ranger)

Favored Enemy- Giant
Fighting Style-Natural Weapon
Shifters Blessing 1/day 4 rounds
Wild Empathy

Gear :
Leather armor
Flint and Steel
Water skin
20 feet of rope
20 Arrows
Flask of oil
Rangers kit


Tagolan was always alone. People shunned him for his Hobgoblin blood. The Colony never truly accepted him, he wasn't even supposed to be there. He, as a five year old Hobgoblin, had stumbled in before they sealed the entrance. He some how had survived small exposure to the fog, but no one ever trusted him. He grew up, exploring every bit of the Colony, surviving on rats and small bits of water from the well.

Still he did not fault them. While he could not truly remember much of his kind, he remembered one thing, their brutality. A scar ran down his face from just before he stumbled into the colony. His own mother had taken a knife to him, and he would never forget that though the other members of the Colony did not trust him, they healed him, and let him survive. They even let him claim a little domain of about twenty feet in a otherwise abandoned tunnel, which he used to train.

For the last five years, Tagolan has wanted to explore outside of the colony, and has studied almost every map he could find. He trained himself, reading old texts on Giants. He wishes to be of use to the colony, and to prove he is to be trusted. In his training he learned to Change his form, to a minor degree, and realized the potential of his claws. He does not know where this ability comes from, and has not told anyone about it, fearing being exiled completely, or being killed on the spot. He decided to save the ability, keep it secret, to show it off and prove himself.

When the colonists began talking about checking on the purple mist, Tagolan volunteered immediately, seeing it as a chance to prove himself.


Standing at 5 feet, and weighing 205 pounds, he is a short, yet impressive figure. He is a sickly grey-green, not having seen the sun in fifteen years, and has fiery red eyes. other than his race, what distinguishes him the most is a large scar running from right below his left eye to the edge of his jaw on the left. He wears a simple brown shirt and pants, and has a small black cap to cover his bald head. His years of eating rats and drinking as little water as possible, has not diminished his health or weight, and if anything, seem to have made him as durable as he looks.

Campaign Armory:

15 Daggers
12 good short swords
14 short swords
6 simple spears
14 light hammers
8 simple spears in need of repair