
Tag365's page

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Can't wait to play as an awakened skunk and awakened stegosaurus.

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So I just learned of this book having awakened animals... so does the ancestry have free-form stuff? Can I be an awakened skunk for real?

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Rysky wrote:

That “generic guy” is Yoon.

She is the Iconic Kineticist, the class in the book.

Strange. She's apparently supposed to be the same as the first edition iconic, but she doesn't look the same. What happened?

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Pretty unfortunate - it seems like "inflation" is occurring at a more rapid rate than normal. Though at least we will be able to get the starter books for a lower price for a while.

Wait, Lini isn't on the front cover? I thought she was, but it appears to be a generic man instead...

Is there cool stuff for skunks and stegosauruses in this book?

So now that the book has released, what do you think of it?

FlurryofBlunders wrote:
If you have any comments, suggestions, corrections, or other ideas, feel free to use this thread as a discussion thread.

What do you think about the Wellspring Mage archetype for Summoners? Do you think that's a good idea in terms of optimization? I don't know much about the system so I think it would be good to see your opinion on it.