Military Officer

Taeon Dolma's page

124 posts. Organized Play character for Enchanter Tim.

Full Name

Doctor Taeon Dolma


| SP 10/10 HP 16/16 | RP 4/4 | EAC 16 KAC 15 | Fort -1; Ref +5; Will +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +5, SM: +6


| Speed 30ft | Detect Thoughts 1/1 | Active conditions: None.


Male NG Damaya Lashunta Icon Envoy 2

About Taeon Dolma

Doctor Taeon Dolma

PFS #: 1142-702
Faction: Wayfinders
Fame: 10
Wayfinder Reputation: 11
XP: 5

SFS Journal:

#1-01: The Commencement (1XP, 2F, 509cr)
#1-00: Claim to Salvation (1XP, 2F, 704cr)
#1-02: Fugitive on the Red Planet (1XP, 2F, 719cr)
#1-09: Live Exploration Extreme! (1XP, 2F, 776cr)
#1-03: Yesteryear's Truth (1XP, 2F, 799cr)


Wayfinders Champion (Faction) Champion the Wayfinder faction
Faction's Friend (Social, limited) If slotted and you fail to earn fame, you can gain 1 reputation (but no fame). Usable 3 times.
Marked Field Agent (Slotless) Free Society Subdermal Graft - Swift action to cause the Starfinder Society to glow and increase the light level within 5 feet.
Star Sugar Heartlove!! (Slotless, limited) Bought Star Sugar Heartlove album. Cross off the boon to sell it for 200cr.
Society Contract (Slotless) When using a pregen, gain a reroll. Cannot be combined with any other boon to give a reroll. Cross this boon off to use Raise Dead on a pregen.
Claimant to Salvation (Slotless) Qualify for special boons during adventures at Salvation's End
Abadar Acquaintance: AbadarCorp Respect (Social) Used for future scenarios
True Savior of Tasch (Slotless, limited use) Forgo a dayjob roll 5 times to gain 500 UPB. These cannot be converted to credits and must be used to craft.
Free Captains Affiliation (Social) +2 to Intimidate members of the Free Captains. +2 to demoralize attempts and +2 to demand or taunt actions as a Starship Captain. Increases for each Infamy you have. Cross off if you ever get rid of Infamy while this is slotted.
Budding Media Celebrity (Social) +5 performance bonus to Day Job checks
Dwarven Admittance (Personal, limited use) Make a new Dwarf character or increase an existing dwarf character's ability score by +2
Salvation's Delver (Slotless, limited use) Purchase a mk1 synaptic accelerator for 1200cr
Automated Defenses (Starship) Once per Starship combat, a science officer can reduce the speed of a tracking weapon fired at you by 50% for 1 round. Use when weapon is fired, but before gunnery check is rolled. Spend a resolve point to use this again in a combat.
Friend of the Ghibrani (Social) Befriended both Membrane and Husk Ghibranis. Useful later.
Ghibrani linguist (slotless) Access to Ghibrani language for all Starfinder characters

Lashunta Envoy (Icon) 2
CG Medium humanoid (Lashunta)
Init +3; Senses Perception +6, SM +7, darkvision 60ft

EAC 15 KAC 16
SP 10 HP 16 RP 4
Fort -1, Ref +5, Will +4

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Tactical Knife +3 (1d6S)
Ranged Tactical Semi-Autopistol +3 (1d6P)
. . Static Arc-Pistol +3 (1d6E) (Arc 2)

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 9, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +1

Racial Abilities
Lashunta Magic Spell-like abilities: at Will - daze, psychokinetic hand. 1/day - detect thoughts
Limited Telepathy Mentally communicate with characters within 30 feet
Student +2 to Bluff, Medicine

Theme Abilities
Theme Knowledge Reduce DC of Profession or Culture check about vid personality profession by 5. +1 to Profession (Vid Personality) skill

Class Abilities
Expertise Add 1d6 to Sense Motive checks as an insight bonus
Skill Expertise (Bluff) Use Expertise dice on Bluff checks
Envoy Improvisation (Clever Feint) As a standard action, make a Bluff check as if a feint to fake out an enemy. If you fail, the enemy is flat-footed to your attacks until the end of your next turn. If you succeed, the enemy is flat-footed to allies' attacks until the end of your next turn. Cannot used used against enemies with less than 1 Int.
Envoy Improvisation (Inspiring Boost, 7SP) As a standard action, an ally within 30 feet who was damaged last round regains stamina points. Once an ally has benefited from your inspiring boost, that ally can’t gain the benefits of your inspiring boost again until he takes a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points.

Skill Synergy (Medicine, Life Science) Gain class skills or +2 to skills

Acrobatics +5, Athletics -1, Bluff, +10, Computers +6, Culture +7, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +3, Intimidate +8, Life Science +7, Medicine +11, Perception +5, Physical Science +3, Piloting +6, Profession (Vid Personality) +10, Sense Motive +4, Slight of Hand +5, Stealth +1, Survival +1
Languages Common, Castrovelian, Eoxian, Shirren, Akitonian

Combat Gear Tactical Knife, Tactical Semi-Autopistol, Static Arc-Pistol, Graphic Carbon Skin (thermal sensors)
Other Gear Industrial backpack, personal comm, flashlight, basic medkit, medpatch, starstone compass, professional clothing (vid personality), hygiene kit, mk 1 serum of healing (x4), Subdermal Skin Graft (creates light within 5 feet), antitoxin (tr1), Credstick(1783 creds)


Taeon is a medical doctor and medical vid personality. He’s author is a part-time color commentator to narrate or provide a medical perspective on stresses on explorers, Starfinders, or alien species. He tries to be the voice of reason in the party as well as providing medical expertise. He’s a good diplomat and an expert in first contact with new races. He can also manipulate negotiations or outright lie to achieve the best results.