Taco.S's page

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hey i know this is probably really dumb but does anyone know if u can add 2 different types of metal like Adamantine and cold steel together into a weapon or armor to add both of the Materials effect ?

Does anyone know if a dead person is an attended or unattended object ?

This are all good ideas thank you :)

Sounds really cool thanks for your story haha really appreciate it

I've been wandering what people have achieved with such an amazing class
I love the kineticist class in general but I feel like aether kineticist is the most handy
Element when it comes to in game problem solving or just like role playing funny tricks haha

Would love to hear what you guys have done or what you guys think I'd be cool to do and how is it possible to doit :))

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Is there a way to make your kinetic heal a range touch attack ??

Hey I need help I'm trying to find a build for a long range telekineticst possibly making him a hybrid class tell me what u think if u have any cool ideas ?

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when the blast says an object can i use an arrow of a crossbow and shoot with it ? and if yes would the dmg of the crossbow add to my blasts dmg ?

Heretek wrote:

Keep in mind, a lot of DMs are very hesitant to allow 3rd party classes, so don't expect everyone to be on board with your choice if it is 3rd party.

As for "close ranged combat". Do you mean like a switch-hitter? Bow from ranged, greatsword in melee? Slayer and Rangers are very solid for that.

Or do you mean ranged weapons with a short range? Ninjas shuriken with flurry of stars and sneak attack are pretty powerful.

i mean like not tanks but something close combat like monk or fighter but i want it to stand out so its not to common in pathfinder but its there and he/she should be enjoyable to roleplay

my gm said we could use third party classes and right now on the campaign im playing i am using a lvl 10 kinetics and to be honest they are quite fun to role play and are really useful when in combat

thank you torbyne and i feel like i would enjoy playing a close ranged combat character (dosn't matter if he uses magic or not) but i want him to be different from normal pathfinder classes i want it to stand out

can someone please link me to a list of all classes ? paizo owned and third party classes ive been trying to find a new exciting class but don't seem to find one that catches my eye closest one i found that was good is the kinetics
please help

texas snyper got it right haha :D
my fault silly me

Thanks guys il see what the GM says :D

so im playing a pathfinder game and i am a kinetics and i want to multi class but i kinda screwd up and when choosing my second element i chose the wrong one is there any way of re choosing an element ?