Golden Orb

THE POOL's page

9 posts. Alias of Pact Stone GM.


Current Pool total is 615 of 659 (at max).

Current Pool total is 621 of 659 (at max).

Just a random update - for no reason.

Current Pool total is 623 of 659 (at max).

After subtracting 2 points of fire damage:

Current Pool total is 637 of 659 (at max).

After including Xaven's most recent injury:

Current Pool total is 639 of 659 (at max).

Hurgah the Reaver wrote:
This is actually a fairly well known fact among half-orc spellcasters. However, Hurgah actually dumped Xaven on the floor before he chased after Sceptre.


The pool reports it has a bruised tail bone!

(Still 642 of 659)

After removing the damage on Xaven from Sceptre's lighting bolt:

Current pool total is 642 of 659 (at max).

I under-calculated both Xaven and Lydia's hit points. I always forget the favored class hit points. So after an adjustment and subtracting Xaven's damage. . .

Current pool total is 619 of 659 (at max).

OK, so by my calculations the Dune Squad Partial Pact has

634 Hit Points*

Minus 17 points from recent hits, for a current total of:

617 Hit Points

I'll try to use this avatar to keep track of the running total for us.

*I still have to double-check the Mithral Scarab, so I could be off by a bit. But for now we're close enough.