Szymon_Archon's page

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Wave 12 (the final Wave of Starfinder minis) should be released to retail in Q2 2025. After that, we will be able to deliver the other half of the Starfinder minis.

@dande Wave 12 should be released to retail in Q2 2025, after which we will be able to deliver the other half of the original Ninja Division Kickstarter campaign.

@Yoshua We might be able to send new waves next year, depending on how our schedule lines up.

@Ghost725 Sorry about that, did you reach out to us via our contact email? I'm afraid I don't have access to your email through this website, so I can't check the status of your order. You can also join our Discord server and DM me your information so I can check it and email Paizo if necessary so they can add you to the shipping list.

@Wise Krampus Have you received any of the previous waves? If not, then please reach out to us via our contact email or DM me through our Discord server.

@Ashanderai It's possible that your emails aren't reaching us, did you receive an automated response from us with an Issue ID?

Hi there, if you haven't received your miniatures yet then please, please, *please* reach out to us via and we'll ship the miniatures as soon as possible! If you've changed your address then make sure you tell us too!