Durkon Thundershield

Szarlej Cailean's page

3 posts (5 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


Cayden - was this a sign - I was looking into the light today - I heard your voice - then I was awake again, rescued by the others.

I already told you about them - it is a interesting party - imagine even the mermaid joined the adventure today.

let me take a swig

Tomorrow we will go again to the house, hopefully better prepared as before. I need to look over the spells - perhaps Firebelly might helo agains some swarms.

let me finish it --- Good night



@GM: Please let me know if the history should be modified :)

Dear fellows,companions,comrades

All hail !

"Kunoichi no-kamai Kōga" or shortly "Kōga"
will inform you about herself and her path as "Shinobi" (Ninja) soon.
