Does an animal companion get an ability increase every 4th hit die like any other creature? Nothing in the animal companion sidebar says to do this, though base attack, base saves, and skill points are all covered in the description. The companion also gets two ability increases every other level which seems like more than enough. I am playing a druid for the first time and had never noticed this omission/vagueness in the rules before.
We all know about OotS. What other web comics do you read? DM of the Rings is made of stills from the movies. The dialog is of a DM railroading his hack and slash players through the Lord of the Rings story. Goblins life through their eyes. W.O.G. World of Greyhawk comic. xkcd Not D&D but interesting.
One of my players wants to buy a masterwork tool for Use Magic Device skill checks. I'm trying to decide if I should let him, or make a more expensive magic item thet does the same thing. How do other DMs feel about this? Tool, Masterwork This well-made item is the perfect tool for the job. It grants a +2 circumstance bonus on a related skill check (if any). Bonuses provided by multiple masterwork items used toward the same skill check do not stack.
I have been transposing all the statblocks,in the new format, into a notebook. It is a lot of work, but I have a pretty good grasp of the bad guys abilities before running a fight. So far it has worked well. I can add in notes about spell effects and special abilities that I'm not familiar with. Useing a word processor would probably be easier, but I'm not much of a typist. |