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![]() Rules:
After a long day at ![]()
![]() Wanted! Able bodied people willing to brave the Great Sea and assist in the creation of a trade post in the newly discovered land of Altheria. Anybody and everybody is welcomed as long as you are able to complete the tasks assigned to you. All expenses will be paid by the Starstone Trading Company and the tasks assigned to you by your ship’s captain or the headmaster of the trading post. You will be paid 1000 gp for a year of service. Apply at The Maribosa in the docks today! Check out the campaign info section to learn about the setting, and to develop your characters backstory. Crunch:
-20 point buy. -If summoner, must be unchained. -Fighters and Sorcerers get 4 Skills/Level. -No Gunslinger. -Starting at Level 1 with max hp, all levels forward will be average round up. -Use pathfinder unchained automatic bonus progression. -Use pathfinder unchained background skills. -Start with 150 gp. -Any race without a CR bump. -Two traits one drawback. -Non-evil alignment recommended, if evil, I expect you to play the archetypal intelligent, plotting, and hidden evil, instead of the stupid, brash, and obvious evil. If you choose this route you must be willing to work with me to make your choice work. -3PP is tentatively allowed, but you must submit your full build with all abilities listed and described pretty early, so that I can review, and balance abilities if it comes to that. Fluff:
-Where is your character from? -What was his childhood like? -What was his family like? -Name one secret that your character knows. -Name one thing your character is deathly afraid of. -Name one thing your character hates with a passion. -Name a quirk your character has. -Name one thing your character can’t help but love. -Name someone your character knows and is on good terms with. -Name someone your character knows and is on poor terms with. -Name an organization (large or small) that your character is associated with. -Name someone/something that your character does not know, that is relevant to his personality/backstory. Other:
-I want you to post at least once per day -I want your character to be able to work as a team. -I want your character to have a dynamic and detailed personality. -I want your character to be able to think of creative solutions to a variety of challenges. -I expect you to not look at spoilers that you are not supposed to. Have fun creating a character if your interested, if you have any questions just ask! ![]()
![]() This class is exactly as it says, an attempt to make a nice and smoothly working 1/3 caster that prepares spells.
Class Details: Spell Blade
Role: In a world where magical creatures and powerful wizards patrol the lands, where flight and invisibility are naturally possessed by many creatures and can be learned through magic by all the rest, some have developed skills to neutralize these threats and even the playing field of the non-magical and the magical. Alignment: Any. Hit Die: d10 BAB: Full Fort: Good
Parent Classes: Magus and Fighter Class Skills: The Spell Blade’s class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride(Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Class Features All of the following are class features of the Spell Blade. Arcane Pool (Su): At 1st level, the Spell Blade gains a reservoir of mystical arcane energy that he can draw upon to fuel his powers and enhance his weapon. This arcane pool has a number of points equal to his half is Spell Blade + his Intelligence modifier. The pool refreshes once per day after 8 hours of rest. At 1st level, a Spell Blade can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant his hands magical power for 1 minute. During this minute, any weapon he holds gains a +1 enhancement bonus that fades after 1 round of him no longer holding it. At fourth level, and every 4 levels thereafter the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +6 at 20th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +6. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves. At 4th level, these bonuses can be used to add any weapon property except bane, Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property's base price modifier (see the Magic Weapon Special Ability Descriptions). These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the arcane pool point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time the Spell Blade uses this ability. He many choose to spend 2 points from his arcane pool instead of one and if he chooses to do so, increases his effective Spell Blade level by 4 for the purposes of this ability. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An Spell Blade is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light armor, medium armor, and shields (including tower shields). He may cast his spells from the Spell Blade list without incurring spell failure. Spell Blade Training (Ex): At 1st level, a Spell Blade counts her total Spell Blade levels as both fighter levels and magus levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats. She also counts as both a fighter and a magus for feats and magic items that have different effects based on whether the character has levels in those classes. This ability does not automatically grant feats normally granted to fighters and magi based on class level. Arcane Talent: As he gains levels, a Spell Blade learns arcane secrets tailored to his specific way of blending martial puissance and magical skill. Starting at 1st level, a Spell Blade gains one arcane talent. He gains an additional Spell Blade talent for every two levels of Spell Blade attained after 1st level. Unless specifically noted in an Arcane Talent’s description, a Spell Blade cannot select a particular Arcane Talent more than once. Arcane Talent’s that affect spells can only be used to modify spells from the Spell Blade spell list unless otherwise noted. Arcanist Exploit (Su): The Spell Blade selects an Arcanist exploit from the following list: Spell Tinkerer, Spell Disruption, See Magic, Dimensional Slide(5ft/level instead of 10ft/level), Consume Magic Items, Arcane Barrier. The Spell Blade uses his Spell Blade level as his effective Arcanist level for the purpose of these talens. He may select this talent as many times as he likes, every time he selects it he chooses a new Arcanist Exploit from the list. Magus Arcana (Su): The Spell Blade selects a Magus Arcana that he qualifies for. If this Magus Arcana references a class feature that the Spell Blade does not posses, he may not select that Arcana until he successfully attains that class feature. He may select this talent as many times as he likes, every time he selects it he chooses a new Magus Arcana. He treats his Spell Blade level as his Magus level for the purpose of selecting Magus Arcana. Spellstrike (Su): As the Magus class feature of the same name except with Spell Blade spells. The Spell Blade must be at least 5th level to select this talent. Spell Combat (Ex): As the Magus class feature of the same name except with Spell Blade spells. The Spell Blade must be at least 5th level to select this talent. Ranged Spellstrike (Su): The Spell Blade may now use Spellstrike as if replacing all uses of the word melee with ranged. He must possess the Spell Strike talent to select this talent. This ability may never be used with non Spell Blade spells even if the Spell Blade possesses a feature that would normally allow him to do so. Spell Recall (Su): As the Magus class feature of the same name except with Spell Blade spells. The Spell Blade must be at least 5th level to select this talent. Arcane Strike (Sp): The Spell Blade gains the Arcane Strike feat. Improved Arcane Strike (Sp): The Spell Blade may automatically apply his Arcane Strike bonus to damage on all attacks without having to spend a swift action. The Spell Blade must possess Arcane Strike to select this talent. Greater Arcane Strike (Sp): The Spell Blade may, when using improved arcane strike, gain the bonus to damage also as a bonus on attack rolls. The Spell Blade must possess Improved Arcane Strike to select this talent. Bonus Feats: A Spell Blade gains bonus feats to supplement his combat ability. He gains any combat feat that he qualifies for at 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter. Spells: At 4th level, a Spell Blade learns to casts arcane spells drawn from the Spell Blade spell list. A Spell Blade must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time. A Spell Blade’s caster level is equal to his Spell Blade level for the purpose of all of his spells.
A Spell Blade may know any number of spells. He must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour studying his spellbook. While studying, the Spell Blade decides which spells to prepare. Spellbooks: A Spell Blade must study his spellbook each day to prepare his spells. He cannot prepare any spell not recorded in his spellbook except for read magic, which all magi can prepare from memory. A Spell Blade gains at 4th level a spellbook containing all 0-level Spell Blade spells plus two 1st-level Spell Blade spells of his choice. The Spell Blade also selects a number of additional 1st-level Spell Blade spells equal to his Intelligence modifier to add to his spellbook. At each new Spell Blade level, he gains one new Spell Blade spells of any spell level or levels that he can cast (based on his new Spell Blade level) for his spellbook. At any time, a Spell Blade can also add spells found in other spellbooks to his own (see Arcane Spells). ![]()
![]() I have been trying to come up with some classes for my upcoming completely non-magical campaign and I wanted one with an Animal kind of feel that doesn't really come with the ranger class. 1) What do you like about this class thematically?
If you want to look at the nicely formatted version, view this link, if not, see below. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13AfSRtjnNTHX3lqgkJKEhIVattBDLtUb1FkYqvO 4ZEs/edit?usp=sharing Beastmaster Role: A Master of all things beasts who uses his companions to brutal effect in combat through intense training and care. Alignment: Any. Hit Die: d8. Bab: Medium Fort: Strong
Class Skills
Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier. Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Beastmaster is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). Animal Companion (Ex): The effective druid level for the purpose of this ability is equal to the Beastmaster’s level +1. A Beastmaster may begin play with any of the animals listed in Animal Choices. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the Beastmaster on her adventures. Unlike normal animals of its kind, an animal companion's Hit Dice, abilities, skills, and feats advance as the Beastmaster advances in level. If a character receives an animal companion from more than one source, her effective druid levels stack for the purposes of determining the statistics and abilities of the companion. Most animal companions increase in size when their druid reaches 4th or 7th level, depending on the companion. If a Beastmaster releases her companion from service, she may gain a new one by capturing a new one and spending the appropriate amount of time training it. Wild Empathy (Ex): A Beastmaster can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The Beastmaster rolls 1d20 and adds her Beastmaster level and her Charisma, Wisdom, or Intelligence modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the Beastmaster and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. A Beastmaster can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check. Thoughtful Handler (Ex): A Beast Master may use his Intelligence or Wisdom in place of Charisma for the purpose of making Handle Animal checks. Expert Trainer (Ex): At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter a Beast Master increased his number of bonus tricks for each animal companion by 1 and he gains a +1 on all Handle Animal skill checks. Animal Talents (Ex): As a Beastmaster gains experience, she learns a number of talents that aid her animal companions. Starting at 1st level, a Beastmaster gains one animal talent. She gains an additional animal talent for every level of Beastmaster attained after 1st level. A Beastmaster cannot select an individual talent more than once unless otherwise specified. Hound master (Ex): A Beastmaster with this talent can have more than one animal companion, but she must divide her effective druid level between her companions to determine the abilities of each one. For example, a 3rd-level Beastmaster can have one 4th-level animal companion, or two 2nd-level companions, or one 3rd-level companion and one 1st-level companion, or four 1st-level companions. When a Beastmaster with this talent gains a level, she must decide how to allocate the increase among her animal companions, including whether or not to add a new 1st-level companion. Once a druid level is allocated to a particular companion, it cannot be redistributed while that companion is in the Beastmaster's service. She must release that companion or wait until the companion dies to allocate its levels to another companion, which she can then do the next time she spends 8 hours a day for one week, training the animal that will gain the new Hit Dice.
Physical Improvement Training (Ex): A Beastmaster with this talent gains evolved companion as a bonus feat. This talent may be selected any number of times. This talent may only be used to grant an animal a reasonable evolution such as giving a wolf the claws evolution. An unreasonable ability would be granting a horse claw attacks. Some other unreasonable evolutions would be granting magical abilities, natural attacks that an animal of that type doesn’t make sense having, and anything your GM finds unreasonable. Greater Physical Improvement Training (Ex): Your animal companion gains a pool of evolution points equal to the number of times you have selected specialized training for that animal +1. These points may be spent on any evolution, even ones costing more than 1 point, as long as that evolution is a reasonable evolution as outlined in Physical Improvement Training. These points are not in addition to the evolutions granted by specialized training. These evolutions may only be changed when the Beastmaster gains a level. Unleash the Hounds (Ex): By spending a move action you may incite rage in all your animal companions within 30 feet. They begin raging as the first level barbarian ability. They may rage for a total number of rounds equal to their constitution modifier plus 2, after which they become fatigued. This ability may not be activated if the animal companions are fatigued. Call Swarm (Ex): As a full round action that requires large amounts of animal noise, you may attempt a DC 25 Handle animal check. Success means that on the following turn a swarm of creatures of the animal type that live within the environment you are currently in will appear and attack a target within 60 feet. If that swarm of animals does reasonably live in your current environment, this ability automatically fails. This swarm is always made of tiny creatures and has a number of HD equal to the beast master’s level. He may summon a total number of 5 foot squares of the swarm equal to his level. Combat Training (Ex): Choose an animal companion. The next time it would gain racial Hit Dice it instead gains a level in the Warrior NPC class. It does not gain the normal ability boosts from being a leveled creature. Each time you select this ability it applies to a different animal. Improved Combat Training (Ex): Choose an animal companion that you have granted a level of warrior to through Combat Training. The next time it would gain racial Hit Dice it instead gains a level in Ranger, Brawler, Barbarian, Fighter, Slayer, or Rogue. This talent may be selected up to 3 times per animal companion. Pack Tactics (Ex): You automatically grant all your teamwork feats to your companions. They need not meet the prerequisites. Improved Pack Tactics (Ex): Gain a teamwork feat that you qualify for. Inspiring Presence (Ex): Whenever your animal companions are within line of sight of you, or within 30 feet, they gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. Animal Master (Ex): Increase your effective Druid level for the purposes of the Animal Companion class feature by one. ![]()
![]() On the summon natures ally 5 list, there is the cyclops. I looked at the summon monster spell and I found that they are allowed to use their flash of insight ability. A 13th level druid with Augment Summoning and Superior Summoning is very common among character builds. If he decides to burn a 7th level for 1d4 + 2 Cyclops, he has an instant assasinate. If he roles a 2 and summons 4 cyclops, they all use their flash of insight ability with power attack around the BBEG, then he dies. The damage is a little too much. They start with Great Axes (3x Critical) and on a non confirmed critical they each deal on average (3d6+16) = 26.5 damage. 26.5 x 4 = 106. If only one of the four cyclops confirms his critical then the total damage is on average 26.5 x 6 = 159. That means this one seventh level spell is able to one round bosses way to easily, not to mention sticking around to handle mooks with Cleave and Great Cleave. The reason I bring this up is because it is becoming a common tactic for the Druid of my party that has broken the last straw. I know that Druids are considered OP and I should take that into account. I know that, at high levels, casters are considered more powerful and I should take that into account. Despite all this he really outshines my character. I play a 13th level halfling TWF ninja with invisible blade, ghost step, celestial mail, pumped will saves, and a decently optimized build. Over time the Druid has slowly taken over almost all possible characters roles. Scouting: Wild Shape + Spells + Thousand Faces vs Ghost Step + Invisible Blade Battle Field Control: Wall of Thorns + Summoning vs. nothing Area Damage: Fire Strom + Flamestrike + Spells vs. nothing. Single Enemy Damage: Cyclopinate. vs. Hasted Ki Pointed Full sneak attack For the longest time I have been significantly more efficient than his character is dealing with a single BBEG while he handles the mooks. His new ability to take care of that role has left my character feeling incredibly underpowered beneath his versatile might. What should I do? ![]()
![]() I had tried to make a thrown weapon build a while back but realized that it was very challenging to make the bonuses viable. With recent feat additions I tried again to create a thrown weapon build and I think it is now viable. How can I improve it? What am I doing wrong? https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ujLEpdD0n_N419-D5wuUsVjoBk9aneoHEQyOWF iPEQ/edit?usp=sharing Thanks for your time. ![]()
![]() The Idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJn1LjLaNVQ Unlike the poorly made Acrobatic archetype and related rogue talents this will allow for a thematically acrobatic rogue that actually has applicable abilities. I would really appreciate some critiques. Acrobat Acrobatic Maneuvers: An acrobat is able to use his agility to perform skilled combat maneuvers on opponents. Dirty Trick, Disarm, and Trip attempts can all be used with great skill by an acrobat. He may apply his acrobatics skill bonus instead of his combat maneuver bonus to these checks. This ability replaces trapfinding. Extreme Agility: At 3rd level an acrobat has learned to hone his agility in new ways. An Acrobat who has selected Dodge also gains a +1 bonus to acrobatic skill checks and an additional +1 bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity. An Acrobat who has selected Mobility gains the +4 bonus to all attacks of opportunity. In addition to these feat synergies he gains a flat +1 bonus to acrobatics skill checks and to dodge bonuses to AC against attacks of opportunity. These flat bonuses increase by 1 at 6th level and every three levels thereafter. This ability replaces trap sense. Rogue Talents: Maneuver Training: A rogue with this ability is treated as having combat expertise and Improved (Any Maneuver) for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisites despite not possessing these feats or their benefits. Advantageous Get Up: A Rogue with this talent may make a DC 20 Acrobatics check to get up from prone as a move action. When doing so he may choose to make an attack as part of the action in which his opponent will count as flanked. Whirling Tripping Get Up: A Rogue with this talent may as a full round action may make a trip attempt against all adjacent opponents by succeeding on an acrobatic check equal to the highest CMD of the opponents +2 for each additional opponent. He gains a +5 on this attempt if he starts prone or opts to fall prone after doing so. The rogue must possess Advantageous Get Up to use this talent. Acrobatic Dodge: A rogue with this ability may, once per round, dodge an attack. When dodging an attack the acrobat expends an attack of opportunity to role an acrobatics check. If the result of this check exceeds the attack roll by 5 or more against the acrobat then the attack misses. This ability may not be used if the acrobat is flat footed. Dodging Momentum: A rogue with this talent may, after succeeding on an Acrobatic Dodge and another acrobatics check against the attackers CMD, expend another attack of opportunity to either make an attack of opportunity against that opponent (In which your opponent is counted as flanked) or guide their attack to an adjacent creature to you. If you choose to guide their attack then the opponent uses his attack roll + your dexterity modifier to forcefully hit that opponent. A rogue must posses Acrobatic Dodge to select this talent. Acrobatic Movement: When traversing difficult terrain the acrobat may attempt a DC 20 Acrobatics check to which success allows the acrobat to treat that patch as normal ground. Also, an acrobat with this ability may charge in non straight directions or bouncing off walls and then gain his dexterity modifier as a bonus to his attack roll instead of the usual +2 and does not suffer an AC penalty. Wrenching Trip: A Rogue with this ability may, when he succeeds on a trip maneuver, deal his sneak attack damage to the tripped creature. In addition, the rogue may opt to fall down with the foe in order to optimize the force of the fall, this increases the amount of damage added to double his sneak attack damage. Wrenching Charging Trip: An acrobat with this talent is able to devastate foes that he hurdles into. After succeeding on a successful acrobatic charge against an opponent and hitting with an attack he may make a trip attack against that enemy. If he succeeds he must opt to fall down with the foe and in doing so he may deal triple his sneak attack damage to that foe. A rogue must posses the wrenching trip and acrobatic movement talents to select this talent. Knockout Trip: An acrobat with this talent can jar the head in a specific way when knocking down an opponent as to create unconsciousness. A rogue must spend an additional attack of opportunity to use this feat. Any who is subject to wrenching trip must roll a fortitude save equal to 10 + Dex Modifier + Number of Sneak Dice rolled and if he fails lies falls unconscious for 1 round. If the foe fails by 5 or more he instead lies unconscious for 1 minute and if by 10 or more, 1 hour. If the attack was a critical hit then the knockout DC increases by 5. A rogue must posses Wrenching trip to use this ability. Brutal Precision: When an acrobat with this talent succeeds on a combat maneuver he has learned to bend body parts in the wrong ways. If he succeeds on a Trip, Disarm, or Dirty Trick Combat maneuvers he deals damage to the subject equal to his dexterity modifier. Opportunistic: A rogue with this talent has learned to make use of circumstances to his greatest possible benefit. All prone foes are treated as if they are flanked when attacked by the acrobat. The acrobat may make 1 additional attack of opportunity each turn (Stacks with Combat Reflexes). Reactionary Opportunist: A rogue with this talent may now make 2 additional attacks of opportunity each turn. Whenever a Rogue with this talent is attacked, whether or not the attack was dodged he may make an attack of opportunity if he makes an acrobatics check that exceeds the opponent's CMD. In addition a Rogue with this talent may use Acrobatic Dodge any number of times per round but must exceed the second attack role by 10 or more, the third by 15 or more etc. A rogue must posses Opportunist, Acrobatic Dodge, and Dodging Momentum to use this talent. Versatile Acrobatics: A rogue with this talent may use his acrobatics skill modifier for all reflex saves, climb, escape artist, fly, perform, and ride checks. In addition he doubles his check for acrobatics when used for jumping (Also applies to Wrenching Charging Trip and Acrobatic movement). A rogue with this talent may select Skill Focus (Acrobatics) twice and have the effects stack. ![]()
![]() Recently my Ninja acquired a stone of good luck(+1 luck to saves and skills). Being at level 12 and already having Invisible Blade and Ghost step and basically every feat I needed for my feat tree means I have a feat available next level. I am thinking of getting Additional Traits for Fates Favored(+1 to all luck bonuses) and the one with +1 will or +2 Init. I am also thinking of buying the Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier(5,000 gp, +1 luck to AC) to compliment taking Fates Favored. Do you think burning a feat and 5,000 gp on this stuff is worth it, if not what else should I get? ![]()
![]() I am thinking of starting a campaign that will start inside of Geb. The part characters will be 4th - 6th level but will be teaming up with characters up to 15th level in an attempt to kill Arazni. These people are gonna built to destroy undead. I am thinking of Paladins, Rangers, and Clerics but I am not sure. Anyone have some good builds or ideas on destroying undead? |