Chaleb Sazomal

Symond Murcatto's page

1 post. Alias of ProfessorM.


Here he is, Symond Murcatto, renound soldier of fortune. Out to prove he is not a piece of worthless trash like the rest of those mercenaries. But please pay him anyway. I used the Ultimate Campaign system for picking traits and drawbacks, with appropriate changes to fit how the character was evolving. I also took a Story feat from there.

Symond grew up on a relatively poor farm on the frontier of the River Kingdoms. His parents were peasants, though his mother Monza would often tell stories about how she used to lead a very successful mercenary company before, injury, and betrayal caught up with them. Hiding out on the fringes is now the best the pair could manage, and Symond's life mostly consisted of backbreaking farm labor. He snatched eagerly at the sword lessons and tactic lectures that his mother would sometimes dole out when her injuries kept her from working or she'd had a bit to drink. Symond idolized the mercenary life, and when he heard that a company was passing nearby, barely thought twice. Leaving a note for his folks and taking a horse, he rode to where the company was camped.

When he arrived, he found out that the company was on a recruiting trip before heading back towards Galt for more work. About a dozen prospective recruits, men and woman of varying marshal skill, had gathered to try and join up. Waiting on the outskirts of the camp while the potential recruits were paired up and made to fight, he snuck in and challenged one of the prospective mercenaries himself. The man laughed him off and tried to push him out of the ring, but got the shock of his life when the kid summarily disarmed him with his rusty longsword and left him ringing with a flat blow to the head. Though defeated in subsequent matches when he didn't have the element of surprise, the mercenary captain took a liking to the boy and brought him in, apprenticing him to the companies doctor, lawyer, and chronicler, a grizzled old veteran named Croaker.

Symond entered adulthood in the Company, seeing many fierce battles and recieving lessons on how to combine the tactics, politics, savvy, leadership, and personal strength required to excel in a mercenary band. This came as a kind of code, a code of self-serving aggrandizement that pushed away mercy, charity, and pity... but a code nonetheless. He took on the role of Chronicler for the company, discovering a love and talent for storytelling. His readings of the companies' past exploits would pack the command tent to capacity, with more soldiers sitting outside to hear the story. He grew to respect and love Croaker as a second father and made his way up to Sargent in the organization. Things changed when the company sucessfully sacked a city and Symond got a first hand look at what a sack entails. Sick with a combination of defiance and shame at being part of the atrocities common to capturing a city, Symond got in over his head. He got very drunk in the burned-out shell of a tavern, and when he wandered out, saw that a group of his company had a couple young woman pinned down in the street. Symond tried to stop the rape and was called out for being "no better than the rest of us" by a fellow officer. Outraged and guilty, Symond challenged him to a duel, and was defeated. He was banished from the company for attacking a fellow officer, a rule that cannot be broken no matter the circumstances. Croaker bid him goodbye, telling him to come back when he'd conquered his pride and become a leader of men.

Since then, Symond has wandered, vowing to never again be so utterly defeated. He recently joined The Shining Blade and hopes to quickly move up the ranks to something approaching his former position.

Symond Murcatto
Male Human Bard (Savage Skald) 1/Cavalier (Strategist) 1
LN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +6
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 shield, +1 Dex)
hp 19 (1d10+1d8+4)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3
Resist cockatrice's skills
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Heavy Shield Bash +3 (1d4+2/x2) and
. . Masterwork Longsword +4 (1d8+2/19-20/x2)
Ranged Longbow, Comp. (Str +2) +2 (1d8+2/x3)
Special Attacks bardic performance (standard action) (8 rounds/day, bardic performance: countersong, bardic performance: distraction, bardic performance: inspire courage +1, cockatrice's challenge +1 (1/day)
Bard (Savage Skald) Spells Known (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Silent Image (DC 15), Grease (DC 15)
0 (at will) Detect Magic, Ghost Sound (DC 14), Dancing Lights, Unwitting Ally (DC 14)
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Champion (Challenge Foe: +1 to AC & att), Lingering Performance, Paired Opportunists
Traits Natural-Born Leader, Oathbound (1/day), Tactician (1/day)
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 jump), Bluff +8, Climb +5, Diplomacy +8 (+6 vs. Creatures that threaten, accuse, or challenge you and haven't apologized), Escape Artist -3, Fly -3, Intimidate +9, Perception +6, Perform (oratory) +8, Ride +1, Sense Motive +5 (+3 vs. Creatures that threaten, accuse, or challenge you and haven't apologized), Spellcraft +4, Stealth +1, Swim -2, Use Magic Device +8; Racial Modifiers +4 ride while riding your bonded mount.
Languages Common
SQ animal companion link, bardic knowledge, bardic performance: insiring blow (+4 hp), orders (order of the cockatrice), pride, tactician (paired opportunists) 3 rds (1/day)
Combat Gear Potion of cure light wounds (3); Other Gear Masterwork Agile breastplate, Masterwork Heavy steel shield, Longbow, Comp. (Str +2), Masterwork Longsword, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Belt pouch (empty), Chronicler's kit, Fishhook (2), Flint and steel, Mug/tankard, Sewing needle, Signal whistle, String or twine, Thread (50 ft.), Waterskin, Whetstone, Pathfinder's Kit, 2 GP, 12 GP of Valuables
Special Abilities
+4 Ride while riding your bonded mount. (Ex) Cancel your armor check penalty of -4 while riding your mount.
Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action) (8 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Bardic Performance: Countersong (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sound.
Bardic Performance: Distraction (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sight.
Bardic Performance: Insiring Blow (+4 hp) (Su) Begin a performance as an immediate action after a critical hit, gain CHA temp HP and grant allies within 30' +1 on next attack roll
Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +1 (Su) Morale bonus on some saving throws, attack and damage rolls.
Champion (Challenge Foe: +1 to AC & att) +1 to att & AC vs challenged foe only you threaten. If others att you/foe, -2 penalty for 1 rd.
Cockatrice's Challenge +1 (1/day) (Ex) +1 to damage target, -2 AC vs. others when used, +1 damage when you are the only one threatening the target.
Cockatrice's Skills +4 (Ex) +4 to DC vs. demoralization.
Lingering Performance Bardic Performances last 2 rds after you stop concentrating.
Natural-Born Leader Your cohorts, followers, and summoned creatures gain +1 vs. Mind-affecting effects, +1 Leadership score if you have the Leadership feat.
Oathbound (1/day) Reroll a saving throw against a Charm or Compulsion effect.
Paired Opportunists +4 to hit for AoOs if you and adj ally with this feat both threaten the target.
Pride -2 to diplomacy and sense motive vs. those who threaten, accuse, or challenge you, until they apologize
Tactician (1/day) Gain a +2 trait bonus on an attack of opportunity.
Tactician (Paired Opportunists) 3 rds (1/day) (Ex) Grant the use of your Tactical feats to your allies within 30'.