HP 28/28, AC 17 w Padded Armor (18 w Shield raised), Fortitude* +6, Reflex* +6, Will** +6, Perception* +4 (low-light vision, 30-ft imprecise scent, +2 vs Undetected), Stealth +3 |
Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Search | Active Conditions --- | ◆◇↺
[R]Female Sensate Gnome Oracle of Cosmos 2 | Astrologer |
About Sybille Sybil of the Cosmos
PFS #: 2403787-2025
Lore: Pathfinder Society* +6
Faction: Grand Archive
Chronicles & Boons LEVEL 1 1 B15 Treasure Off the Coast
2 B17 Sodden Stories
3 Boon - Wayfinder
4 B12 Somewhere Below
5 B04 Cat's Cradle
6 B10 Hillcross Roundup
7 B13 The Blackwood Abundance
8 B06 The Road from Otari
9 Q01 The Sandstone Secret
10 Boon: Sand Slide [][][]
11 Q17 Escorting the Mirage
12 Q19 The Elsewhere Feast
CHARACTER INFORMATION Name: Sybille Sybil of the Cosmos
Ethnicity, Heritage & Ancestry: Sensate Gnome
Background: Astrologer Home Region: Mwangi Expanse Nation: Lirgeni Languages: Common, Fey, Gnomish, Mwangi, Garundi
Sub-Class & Class: Oracle of Cosmos Level: 2
Deity Desna Gender: Female Size & Reach: Small (5 ft) Speed: 25 ft
STATS & SKILLS(* indicates Proficiency Level) STR -1, DEX +2, CON +2, INT +2, WIS +0, CHA +4
HP 28/28, AC 17 w Padded Armor (18 w Shield raised), Fortitude* +6, Reflex* +6, Will** +6, Perception* +4 (low-light vision, 30-ft imprecise scent, +2 vs Undetected)
Acrobatics* +6
Arcana +2
Athletics -1
Crafting +2
Deception* +8
Diplomacy* +8 - ◆ Bon Mot – Prerequisites trained in Diplomacy. You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC. Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a –3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. The target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. Success As critical success, but the penalty is –2. Critical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed. Intimidation +4
Lore: Pathfinder Society* +6
Lore: Astrology* +6
Medicine +0
Nature* +4
Occultism* +6 - Oddity Identification – Prerequisites trained in Occultism. When you become aware of a magical effect or see a spell being cast, you can immediately determine if it twists minds (with the mental trait), fights against fortune (with the fortune or misfortune trait), or reveals secrets (with the detection, prediction, revelation, or scrying traits). At the GM’s discretion, similar effects can also fall into these categories. When you Identify Magic or Recall Knowledge to learn more about these effects, you can always use Occultism without penalty and gain a +2 circumstance bonus. Performance* +8
Religion* +4
Society* +6
Stealth +2
Survival +0
Thievery +2
SPELLS(* denotes Signature Spells) Oracle DC 18
Divine DC 18
Max Focus Points 1
Focus Spells ◆◆ Spray of Stars – Area 15-foot cone; Defense Reflex. You fling a spray of tiny shooting stars, dealing 2d4 fire damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a Reflex save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes half damage and is dazzled for 1 round. Failure The creature takes full damage and is dazzled for 3 rounds. Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is dazzled for 1 minute. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d4.
Known Divine Spells (Spell Rank 1) [][][] ◆◆ Bless – Area 15-foot emanation. Duration 1 minute. Blessings from beyond help your companions strike true. You and your allies gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls while within the emanation. Once per round on subsequent turns, you can Sustain the spell to increase the emanation's radius by 10 feet. Bless can counteract bane. ◆◆ Runic Weapon – Range touch; Targets 1 weapon that is unattended or wielded by a willing creature; Duration 1 minute. The weapon glimmers with magic as temporary runes carve down its length. The target becomes a +1 striking weapon, gaining a +1 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the number of weapon damage dice to two. Heightened (6th) The weapon is +2 greater striking. Heightened (9th) The weapon is +3 major striking. ◆ to ◆◆◆ Heal – Range varies; Targets 1 willing living creature or 1 undead creature. You channel vital energy to heal the living or damage the undead. If the target is a willing living creature, you restore 1d8 Hit Points. If the target is undead, you deal that amount of vitality damage to it, and it gets a basic Fortitude save. The number of actions you spend when Casting this Spell determines its targets, range, area, and other parameters. [one-action] The spell has a range of touch. [two-actions] (concentrate) The spell has a range of 30 feet. If you're healing a living creature, increase the Hit Points restored by 8. [three-actions] (concentrate) You disperse vital energy in a 30-foot emanation. This targets all living and undead creatures in the burst. Heightened (+1) The amount of healing or damage increases by 1d8, and the extra healing for the 2-action version increases by 8.
◆◆ Infuse Vitality – Range 30 feet; Targets 1 to 3 willing creatures; Duration 1 minute; You empower attacks with vital energy. The number of targets is equal to the number of actions you spent casting this spell. Each target's unarmed and weapon Strikes deal an extra 1d4 vitality damage. (This damage typically damages only undead, as explained on page 409). If you have the holy trait, you can add that trait to this spell and to the Strikes affected by the spell. Heightened (3rd) The damage increases to 2d4 damage. Heightened (5th) The damage increases to 3d4 damage. ◆◆ Dizzying Colors (Revelation Spell) – Area 15-foot cone; Defense Will; Duration 1 or more rounds (see below). You unleash a swirling multitude of colors that overwhelms creatures based on their Will saves. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is dazzled for 1 round. Failure The creature is stunned 1, blinded for 1 round, and dazzled for 1 minute. Critical Failure The creature is stunned for 1 round and blinded for 1 minute.
Known Divine Cantrips (Heightened Rank 1) ◆◆ Void Warp – DC 18 basic Fortitude save vs [dice]2d4[/dice] void (and Enfeebled 1 on Crit Fail) ◆ Shield – +1 circumstance bonus to AC ◆◆ Daze – DC 18 basic Will save vs [dice]1d6[/dice] mental damage (and Stunned 1 on Crit Fail) ◆◆ Forbidding Ward – +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws of ally vs enemy’s attacks, spells, and other effects; sustained up to 1 minute ◆◆ Vitality Lash – DC 18 basic Fortitude save vs [dice]2d6[/dice] vitality damage (and Enfeebled 1 on Crit Fail) ◆◆ Light (Revelation Cantrip) – 120-ft range, 20-ft burst of bright light then 20-ft of dim light; can be sustained to move up to 60 ft
GEARS & ITEMS Invested Items (1/10): Wayfinder Worn Items: Hand Crossbow, Morningstar, Padded Armor, Backpack
Stowed Items (in Backpack): Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap
Current Bulk: 1.0 (Encumbered 4.0, Maximum 9.0)
FEATS Level 1 Skill Feat (from background) Oddity Identification – Prerequisites trained in Occultism. When you become aware of a magical effect or see a spell being cast, you can immediately determine if it twists minds (with the mental trait), fights against fortune (with the fortune or misfortune trait), or reveals secrets (with the detection, prediction, revelation, or scrying traits). At the GM’s discretion, similar effects can also fall into these categories. When you Identify Magic or Recall Knowledge to learn more about these effects, you can always use Occultism without penalty and gain a +2 circumstance bonus. General Feat (from Heritage) (Sensate Gnome) – You see all colors as brighter, hear all sounds as richer, and especially smell all scents with incredible detail. You gain a special sense: imprecise scent with a range of 30 feet. This means you can use your sense of smell to determine the exact location of a creature. The GM will usually double the range if you're downwind from the creature or halve the range if you're upwind. In addition, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks whenever you're trying to locate an undetected creature that is within the range of your scent. Class Feat ---
Ancestry Feat ◇ Razzle-Dazzle – Frequency once per hour; Trigger You blind or dazzle a creature. You've spent considerable time practicing the manipulation of light, weaponizing your blade's reflection or bolstering the luminosity of magical displays to unconventional heights. Extend the duration of the blinded or dazzled condition you give the target by 1 round. Class Feature Mystery – An oracle wields divine power, but not from a single divine being. This power could come from a potent concept or ideal, the attention of multiple divine entities whose areas of concern all touch on that subject, or a direct and dangerous conduit to raw divine power. This is the oracle’s mystery, a source of divine magic not beholden to any deity. Choose the mystery that empowers your magic. Your mystery grants you additional spells, and special focus spells called revelation spells. Your mystery also gives you a unique cursebound ability that lets you draw upon the divine, as well as dictating the effects of the oracular curse that falls upon you when you touch too much of this power.[ooc] > Cosmos – [ooc] Celestial bodies great and small exert influence on you, giving you sublime cosmic power. Perhaps you see the glittering stars as a divine blessing, or perhaps you feel drawn to the infinitely dark spaces between. You might uphold deities like Desna, Sarenrae, or the deific lovers Shizuru and Tsukiyo who represent the sun and the moon—or you might draw power from dark entities from beyond the stars, like certain Outer Gods, or destructive gods of the night like Zon-Kuthon or the rat goddess Lao Shu Po.
> Granted Spells cantrip: light; 1st: dizzying colors; 2nd: darkness; 5th: moon frenzy
> Revelation Spells initial: spray of stars; advanced: interstellar void; greater: moonlight bridge
> Related Domains darkness, moon, nothingness*, star*
> Mystery Skill Nature
> Oracle Feat Oracular Warning
Class Feature Revelation Spells – The powers of your mystery manifest in the form of revelation spells. Revelation spells are a type of focus spell. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell. You refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, and you can regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity to search for omens in a way befitting your mystery, like gazing into a fire, throwing bones and seeing how they fall, or meditating to hear the voices of those who came before you. Focus spells are automatically heightened to half your level rounded up, much like cantrips. Focus spells don’t require spell slots, and you can’t cast them using spell slots. Certain feats give you more focus spells. The maximum Focus Points your focus pool can hold is equal to the number of focus spells you have, but it can never be more than 3 points. The full rules for focus spells appear in chapter 7 of Player Core. You learn a revelation spell at 1st level and start with a focus pool of 1 Focus Point. This spell is an initial revelation spell determined by your mystery. You can learn additional revelation spells through oracle feats. Class Feature Curse of the Sky’s Call (curse, divine, oracle) – Your body is drawn toward the heavens, making you lighter and less substantial than you should be. Your eyes glow with starry light, and your hair and clothing float and drift around you. When you have the cursebound condition, you are enfeebled with a value equal to your cursebound value, and you take a status penalty to saves and DCs against all forms of forced movement equal to your cursebound value. Class Feature Oracular Curse – As an oracle, you can tap into the pure and unmitigated divine power of creation to supplement your spellcasting via cursebound abilities. These abilities grant you special benefits, but the backlash of letting this power into your mortal body manifests as an oracular curse. The more cursebound abilities you use, the more your curse worsens, but you might gain divine benefits even as it tightens its grip on your soul. Your oracular curse is expressed using the cursebound condition, a unique condition that affects only oracles. Immediately after the first time you use a cursebound ability, you become cursebound 1, and if you use a cursebound ability while you are already cursebound, you increase the value of your cursebound condition by 1 after the ability resolves. At lower levels, you can tolerate only a modest amount of divine power, and your cursebound condition can’t increase beyond cursebound 2; as you grow in levels, you can open yourself to even more power and your cursebound condition can progress to 3 and finally 4. Once saturated in divine power, your soul can’t absorb any more, and so you can’t use a cursebound ability if you are already at your maximum cursebound condition. Your oracular curse lists the specific effects of being cursebound, which are cumulative as your curse progresses. You remain cursebound until you Refocus, which reduces your cursebound condition by 1 in addition to restoring a Focus Point. As your curse is a direct result of divine power, you cannot mitigate, reduce, or remove the effects of your curse or any ability with the cursebound trait by any means other than Refocusing. For example, if a cursebound effect makes creatures concealed from you, you can’t negate that concealed condition through a magic item or spell, such as sure strike (though you would still benefit from the other effects of that item or spell). Likewise, cleanse affliction and similar abilities don’t affect your curse at all. At 1st level, you gain a cursebound oracle feat determined by your mystery, and you can learn additional cursebound abilities through oracle feats. Class Feature ◇ Oracular Warning (auditory, cursebound, divine, emotion, mental, oracle) – Trigger You are about to roll initiative. You have a premonition about impending danger that you use to warn your allies. Each ally within 20 feet gains a +2 status bonus to their initiative roll and gains temporary Hit Points equal to half your level, which last for 1 minute. If you are cursebound 2 when you use Oracular Warning, the bonus increases to +3, and if you are cursebound 3, the bonus increases to +4.
Level 2 Class Feat ◆ Whisper of Weakness – Voices whisper to you how to best lay a creature low. You target one creature within 60 feet; if it has any weaknesses, you learn them, as well as which of its saving throw modifiers is lowest. You also come to understand its movements, gaining a +2 status bonus to your next attack roll (or skill check made as part of an attack action) against that foe before the end of your turn. The target is then temporarily immune for 1 day. Skill Feat ◆ Bon Mot – Prerequisites trained in Diplomacy. You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC. Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a –3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. The target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. Success As critical success, but the penalty is –2. Critical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed.