Red Dragon

Swiftius's page

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Where's that listed?
Because one of the first things that it says in the wizard class section is
"To learn, prepare, or cast a spell, the wizard must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level." Meaning He can cast it.

With the bonus spells per day, in addition to his base alotment of base spells per day, which are slots, He has one available 7th level slot.

So where does it say that even though the requirement is met, he cannot cast those spells?

There was a bit of confusion on casting, spell slots, etc, and the overall question is, Can a level 7 Wizard, with an Int score of 26, cast a level seven wizard spell, such as Greater Teleport?

So could a level 7 wizard, with an Int score of 26, cast a 7th level spell?