SwHJoKeR's page

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So as a Brawler I of course prefer to use Unarmed Strike, but currently I'm using an enchanted Handaxe with +4 disarm and +2 perception.

My question is, if I were to lock the axe into my gauntlet and then I was to drop the weapon from my hand if I would keep the enchantment bonuses.

Alright thanks everyone that clears that up for me, much appreciated!

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So you're saying even if the DM rolls a 20, if it doesn't beat my score of minimum 32 they wouldn't succed?

Ok so I'm currently making a Vigilante class and of course I don't want anyone to figure out my identitys.

Basically I'm wondering if a natural 20 in Pathfinder is instantly a success against me even if my bluff is a +32 naturally, not even including a d20 roll.

Edit: Also if I roll a 1, would it still be a fail even though my bonuses = to 32?