
Sw33t4Tea's page

40 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.

Hey, fellow Paizonians - I'm looking for some help...

I was wondering what prestige classes are out there for clerics. I'm playing as a 6th level cleric in our weekly Pathfinder game and am wondering what options/directions are out there to take her, possibly in a more spellcasting direction. Fighting-based options aren't out of the question either, but I've been hitting duds lately when rolling to hit the nasties we come across...

Any advice/information/links/etc. anyone could provide is most appreciated. Thanks in advance for all your help! =)

This might be in the wrong place, but I was wondering if anyone knew if any of the amazing Paizo artists had websites where you could browse their artwork? I've found Wayne Reynolds website & am just completely blown away by his work.

Being a somewhat artist myself, I've fallen in love with all of the artwork that these talented people have put into the Pathfinder world & would love to browse as much as I can for both enjoyment and possibly inspiration.

Thanks much =)