Race |
Female Hill Dwarf Cleric of Berronar Truesilver (AC17(16), HP 28/39) |
Classes/Levels |
Saves: STR+2;DEX-1;CON+3;INT+0;WIS+5;CHA+2; Init:-1 |
About Svala Forgesister
Svala Forgesister
LG Female Hill Dwarf Cleric (4) of Berronar Truesilver
DCI #1081040964
14 (+2) STR
08 (-1) DEX
16 (+3) CON (incl. +2 Dwarf)
10 (-) INT
16 (+3) WIS (incl. +1 Hill Dwarf)
10 (-) CHA
25ft Speed
39 HP (4d8 +4/lvl)
18 AC 16(armour) +2(shield)
Warhammer: +4; 1d8+2 bludgeoning; Versatile (1d10)
Lt Crossbow: +1; 1d8-1 Piercing; 20 bolts, range (80/320), loading, 2-h
Background: Soldier: Military Rank: Can invoke rank on other soldiers.
Darkvision: (within 60ft) See in Dim light as in bright, and dark as fi dim. No colour vision when using abilities.
Dwarven Resilience: Advantage on saves vs Poison and Resistance vs Poison damage.
Dwarven Combat Training: Battleaxe, Handaxe, Throwing Hammer and Warhammer proficiency
Tool Proficiency: Smith's Tools, Brewer's Supplies or Mason's Tools.
Stonecunning: Intelligence (History) checks relating to stonework are considered proficient.
Dwarven Toughness: +1 hit point and +1 hit point whenever a level is gained.
Blessing of the Forge: After long rest may touch nonmagical armor or simple/martial weapon, it becomes +1AC or Attack/dmg.
Channel Divinity: 1/short rest:
> Turn Undead: Undead within 30' make Wis save or turned for 1 minute or until takes dmg.
> Artisan's Blessing: Hour long ritual to create nonmagical item (or 10 pieces ammunition) (must contain metal) worth no more than 100gp. Must lay out equal value of metal which is consumed. Can duplicate an existing item (i.e. a key) if the item is possessed during the ritual.
> When hit with Opportunity attack reduce targets move to 0
> May AoO Creatures within 5ft moving away even if they disengage
> When creatures within 5ft of me make an attack against a target other than me may use reaction to melee weapon attack the attacking creature.
Proficiencies (+2)
Armour: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons + Battleaxe, Handaxe, Throwing Hammer and Warhammer
Saves: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Athletics, Intimidate, Medicine, Religion.
Tools: Smith’s Tools, Mason's Supplies, Gaming Set
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Halfling, Primordial (Terran), Giant.
Lt Crossbow + 20 bolts
Explorer’s Pack (pack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days rations, waterskin, 50' rope)
Holy Symbol
Rank Insigia,
Bone Dice
Common Clothes
+1 club, Whisper (a +1 greataxe, that if attuned becomes a +2 and you gain darkvision 120 and can only speak in whispers, when not attuned, just a +1 greataxe), Necklace of prayer beads (bless, cure and favor), 1x Potion of Greater Healing, 2x Potion of Healing, Potion of Firebreath
Spellcasting Save 13; Attack +5; Prepare Wis Bonus + Cleric Level spells (7)
Slots 4x1st 3x2nd.
Cantrips (x3)
Light (light 1 object for 1 hour, no larger than 10ft in any dimension. Dex save if target held/worn item on another creature, 20ft radius light shed + additional 20ft dim light).
Mending (1 min cast, repair a single break or tear no larger than 1ft.)
Sacred Flame (60ft, 1 target, Dex save or 1d8 radiant dmg +1d8 at 5th/11th/17th)
1st Level
Identify (domain - always prepared)
Searing Smite (domain - always prepared) Bonus Action, conc to 1 min, next melee hit causes +1d6 fire damage and causes ignite. At start of each turn Con save or 1d6 fire. Save to end, or ends if doused or spell ends (at higher level +1d6 initial dmg per level increase)
Cure Wounds: Cure 1d8+Wis bonus by touch (+1d8/slot over 1st))
Detect Magic
2nd Level
Heat Metal (domain) 1 action, VSM Conc 1 min, 60ft range: Heat metal object, causing 2d8 fire damage. May inflict dmg again until end of duration by spending an action. Creatures holding objects must make CON save or drop item (if possible), if not dropped suffers disadvantage with attack rolls / ability checks until next turn. (+1d8 dmg per level spent)
Magic Weapon (domain) 1 bonus action, VS, Conc to 1hr. Touched weapon becomes magic and +1attack/dmg for duration. (4th Level: +2; 6th +3)
Hold Person:
Prayer of Healing: