Guy getting beaten by undead

Susan Draconis's page

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So... I've run Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale. My party used an Augury to

find the deactivation codes for the nuke, I mean seed of fire, and deactivated it. The locals put a bucket over the now-deactivated explody half and tried not to think about it until the PCs got back.
This means they get to keep it. Now it's an expensive and powerful item but it's one-use... right?

Well, given the properties of the nuke, I mean item, my players have figured out how to use it as an immovable rod, by holding the nuke, I mean item, in space, setting the timer for something like 3 days, letting the nuke, I mean item, sit there in space, using it as a stepstool, then deactivating the countdown using the codes. A more cumbersome and much more explody immovable rod.

A nuclear stepstool.

Not gonna punish them, it's too hilarious. No one buys an immovable rod anyway because of the price yet every PC has come across five situations where one would have been really useful. Still...

Anyone else end up with a nuclear stepstool?

Hows about it?

This is what I've made so far, any suggestions?

Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 30ft, climb 10ft; AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d3); Ability Scores Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10; Special Qualities low-light vision, hands.
4th-Level Advancement: Size Medium; Attack bite (1d4); Ability Scores Str +4, Dex -2, Con +2.

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Seriously, are there?

Without naming names or pointing out specific encounters I have to say that I have one player, a formerly pure cleric of Iomedae, who's been grabbed, grappled, groped, lashed, strangled, and smothered by every tentacle and/or tentacle monster in the AP. By the middle of the 1st adventure she'd lost her purity, now in the beginning of the 4th she's muttering about taking the AberrationLoved feat.

We switched DMs after the 1st adventure and still the dice pit every tentacle after her. Even more so after I took over.

So, I have to ask. What would the AberrationLoved feat look like? Would it be worth taking? I thought of taking the LichLoved feat out of the old Book of Vile Darkness and tweaking it but found that unsatisfying and kind of insulting to the base LichLoved feat.

Everyone's read about the Red Mantis and the Pathfinders and other such secret societies but what about those lesser known ones out of the footnotes in the Guide to Korvosa? Other than allusions to Team Rocket of Pokemon fame there's very little on playing in the Darklight Sisterhood. The only blurb on the Rat's Teat Boys is a mention of how they kill you if you don't join.

In wacky and hilarious turns of events only some of which were in my control I have one character who was sold to the Darklight Sisterhood who is now a wererat as well. And of course she was made an offer she couldn't refuse.

I'm flying blind. The thing is, I have the feeling you're all flying blind too. I offer this thread as a place to post ideas, stories, and thoughts on Korvosa'a lesser-known secret societies.

As a place to start I offer one on the Rats Teat Boys. It's got spoilers for Seven Days.

After the PC's first full moon with the gang, the PCs raided the temple of Urgathoa, captured Lady Andaisin (without killing her, take that! ha!), and came into ownership of a half dozen extra Plaguebringer's Masks. With the plague, laws against mask-wearing, and the black market, I rolled and found disease-resisting magic items to be selling for 230% on the black market. Not having really good contacts, the PCs contacted the Rat's Teat Boys (read: hung out in a dark alley for a while until the nicer rats showed up and sent a nice message) who agreed to ask around in exchange for a 10% brokerage fee. Six Plaguebringer's Masks sold for 230% with the wererats taking a 10% fee.
It's not something they can do everyday but it's useful. Makes them less of a group of minor hoodlums causing basic trouble and more of what I feel a city with a sewer system the size of Korvosa would collect.

So... Who else had the experience of their character falling in some sort of love for Alden Foxglove before he went ghoul only to be sorely disappointed by the whole undead with bad breath thing? Because hearing offhand comments around the boards it can't just be me.