Here, you'll be throwing out ideas and questions about your characters.
Character Creation:
You will have the choice between the 20 Point Buy system or roll of the die when creating your ability scores. I just ask you to let me know (in this thread) which one you choose.
In addition, you can choose the average starting gold or leave it up to chance with the dice.
Please pick 2 character traits and a campaign trait to help flesh out your characters.
Do not worry about covering all the bases for classes; pick whatever you'd like. If we need, say, a healer, I'll fill in the gap with an NPC.
Avatar & Alias Creation:
Ok, first things first, you're going to want to create an account on here.
Avatar:(Then, in "My Account", under "MESSAGEBOARD SETTINGS")
When making your avatar, not to be confused with an alias, come up with a name you identify YOURSELF with, not your character. The name of your avatar cannot be changed, unless you contact Paizo customer service. You can always change the picture.
The aliases will be the characters you create on here. They will be "aliases" of your "avatar". Keep in mind that once you make 10 posts under your alias, you cannot change the name. The only way around it would be to copy your characters stats, background, traits, etc., and paste it onto some kind of Word program; delete your alias; and paste all of your character's info into the newly created alias.
To transfer your character information to the site, you'll want to click on your alias' name under "MESSAGEBOARD ALIASES". That'll take you to your alias' profile. To the right of the page, you'll see "Edit My Profile". This will be your favorite button. Everything is pretty self-explanatory from there, but you can click on mine or James' icons to the left of our posts, click on the "aliases" tab, then click on any alias (preferably the ones with the most posts) to look at how we've set up or alias (character) profiles.
I know that this is a lot of information to take in at once, but I hope it helps. If you need help with the site, you can ask either me or James.