Aredil Sultur

Suetonius Voltaire's page

62 posts. Alias of Luke_Parry.

Full Name

Suetonius Voltaire




Cleric 8 (HP 4/59) (AC 22/11/21) (CMD 23) (Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +12) (Init +2) (Perception +18)




Medium (6'2")




Neutral Good


Black Butterfly




Common, Aklo, Celestial, Shadowtongue

Strength 22
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 10

About Suetonius Voltaire

Suetonius Voltaire
Male Human Cleric 8
NG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Low Light Vision, Perception +18


AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21
(+11 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 4/59 (8d8+16)
Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +12
Defensive Abilities +2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusion spells and effects; +2 insight bonus on saving throws against all mind-affecting effects.


Spd 30 ft. (20ft. in Armor)
Melee +1 Adamantine Lantern Staff +13/+8 (1d6+10)
Ranged +1 Mighty [+6] Composite Longbow +4/-1 (1d8+7)

Spells (CL 8, Concentration +11)
Orisons (4): Create Water, Light, Read Magic, Stabilize
1st (4+1+1): Bless (2), Comprehend Languages, Dream Feast, Endure Elements, Feather Fall(D)
2nd (4+1+1): Align Weapon, Delay Poison, Lesser Restoration (2), Resist Energy, Remove Paralysis(D)
3rd (3+1+1): Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle Against Evil, Speak With Dead, Stone Shape, Fly(D)
4th (2+1): Ancestral Gift, Brightest Light, Freedom of Movement(D)

Void Domain and Liberation Domain:

Guarded Mind (Ex):
You gain a +2 insight bonus on saving throws against all mind-affecting effects.

Part the Veil (Su):
At 8th level, you can lace spells you cast with the raw madness that waits in the outer darkness. Activating this ability is a swift action that you must use as you cast a spell that targets a single creature and that allows a Will saving throw to negate or reduce the spell’s primary effect. If the target fails to resist the spell, the target is also confused for a number of rounds equal to the spell’s level as visions of the void cause temporary insanity. The victim must succeed at a new saving throw each round to end the effect—these additional saving throws apply only to the additional confusion effect and not to the original spell effect. Part the veil is a mind-affecting effect. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 your class level (4/day).

Liberty’s Blessing (Sp):
You touch a willing creature as a standard action, granting it a boon. A creature with this boon can, as a swift action, make a saving throw against a single spell or effect it is suffering from that grants a save. The DC of the saving throw is equal to the original DC of the spell or effect. If the saving throw is successful, the effect ends. This boon lasts for 1 minute or until successfully used to remove a spell or effect, whichever duration is shorter. You can use this ability for a number of times equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier (6/day).

Freedom’s Call (Su):
At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot aura of freedom for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level (8/day). Allies within this aura are not affected by the confused, grappled, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, or shaken conditions. This aura only suppresses these effects, and they return once a creature leaves the aura or when the aura ends, if applicable. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.


Before Combat Given that worshipers of deities other than Zon-Kuthon are actively exterminated in Nidal, Suetonius is always on the lookout for ambush, or betrayal, preferring to flee and fight another day, unless doing so would likely result in the death of other fellow-travelers.

During Combat In a typical combat, Suetonius would start by invoking the Blessings of Black Butterfly upon himself and his allies, before wading into combat with his Lantern Staff (which, if he is expecting trouble, he would definitely light). He does, however, carry a mighty bow which he *can* use (albeit poorly) in situations where melee is not an option.

Morale Knowing that his death at the hands of the faithful of Zon-Kuthon would last years, if not decades, Suetonius would prefer to flee before combat, reasoning that staying alive and free is the best course. However, if doing so would risk the lives of other members of the Faith (or proven allies), he will stand his ground, unless things looked truly hopeless. That said, against non-Nidalese foes, he is more prone to risky heroics in defense of his allies.


Str 22 (13), Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +6; CMB +12; CMD 23

1st: Heavy Armor Proficieny
1st (Human Bonus): Skill Focus (Perception)
3rd: Iron Will
5th: Familiar Bond
7th: Improved Familiar Bond
8th (Human Bonus): Skill Focus (Knowledge(Religion)
9th: Improved Familiar


You are always on the lookout for reward and danger.

Benefits: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you.

Eyes in the Dark:

You’re used to operating in the back alleyways and moonlit landscapes of Nidal. Whether as a former agent for the Umbral Court who fell out of favor, or just someone who found the light and now rejects the ruling class of your homeland, you look for ways to put those talents to use in helping the downtrodden.

Benefit: You gain low-light vision. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks.


Knowledge(Religion) +10 (4 Ranks, +3 Class, +0 Int + 3 Skill Focus)
Linguistics +6 (3 ranks, +3 Class, +0 Int)
Perception +18 (8 Ranks, +3 Class, +3 Wis, +1 Trait + 3 Skill Focus)
Sense Motive +14 (8 ranks, +3 Class, +3 Wis)
Spellcraft +4 (1 rank, +3 Class, +0 Int)

Languages Common, Aklo, Celestial, Shadowtongue
SQ Aura(Chaos, Good), Channel Positive Energy (4d6, DC 17, 3/day), Focused Study, Imposter-Wary
Combat Gear +1 Adamantine Lantern Staff (Consecrated) + Locked Gauntlet, +1 Mighty [+6] Composite Longbow, Cold Iron Durable Arrows [30/30], +2 Full Plate, Cloak of Resistance +1, Wand of CLW [50/50], Wand of Bless [48/50], Elixir of Spirit Sight, Lynx Eye Charm (2), Bottled Sunlight (2), Potion of Darkvision (3), Alchemist's Fire (5), Acid Flask (5), Liquid Ice (5); Other Gear Belt of Giant Strength +2, Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2, Traveller's Any Tool, MW Backpack, Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath (2), Ornate Disguised Holy Text (100gp), Belt Pouch, Canteen, Compass, Familiar Satchel, Flint and Steel, Grappling Hook, Oil (10), Piton (10), 100' Silk Rope, Silver Holy Symbol, Skeleton Key (2), Small Tent, Portable Altar, Spell Component Pouch (2), Trail Rations (10), Smelling Salts, Antiplague (2), Antitoxin (2), Holy Water (2), Small Silver Case (25gp) containing Tindertwig (25), 3500gp of Diamond Dust, 250gp of Ruby Dust, 250gp of Silver Dust; 0gp, 0sp, 0cp.

Suetonius grew up in Nisroch, the primary port city of Nidal, the son of a minor merchant responsible for funneling supplies to the northwestern hinterlands, in exchange for goods to be sent back via the sea lanes to Cheliax. He grew up knowing that it was the duty of every citizen of Nidal to worship Zon-Kuthon, as only His greater shadow can hold back the other terrors of the night... but thanks to his father's caravans, he was also exposed to the more care-free practices of the (less tightly controlled) rural folk of the Atteran Ranches.

He came to understand that the darkness should be respected, not just feared, and learned to appreciate the stars, dreaming up stories for the constellations that he saw. He eventually came into possession of a copy of The Eight Scrolls, and whilst he personally had trouble reconciling Desnan doctrine with the way that he was raised, he nevertheless respected those who chose to follow it, using his family connections to smuggle supplies and messages between members of the faith.

It was on one such delivery run that he ran afoul of a Shadowcaster and his Shadow Mastiff pets, who were more thorough than usual in their 'random inspection' on the road, and came across the package. Fully expecting that his life would be forfeit, Suetonius closed his eyes, silently praying to any Deity that was listening... and when he opened his eyes, the Mastiffs were gone, and the Wizard was on the ground, covered in a carpet of black butterflies. Trembling, he watched in wonder as the butterflies silently cascaded up into the air, where they faded away... all except one, which fluttered over, and land on his open palm. He was even more surprised when it spoke to him, saying that The Silence Between had heard his silent plea, and, knowing of the support he had provided to the hidden Desnan worshippers throughout northwestern Nidal, had seen fit to assist him.

Since that day, his black butterfly (which he has come to think of as 'Arha') has subtly guided him in the traditions of The Silence Between, the one true Black Butterfly, encouraging him to track down religious artifacts, and giving him a deeper understanding of the nature of shadow, silence, and space.

Arha's encouragement led him to a deeper linking-in with the existing Desnan 'network', in particular forming a close relationship with a Desnan sympathizer and horselord named Gioret Almere. He also acted as a broker, forming links between a returning Desnan Inquisitor named Lydia, and Gioret, to more effectively run the hidden 'Underground Carriageway' to get Desnans and their families out of Nidal, when the Court comes too close.

Although he is careful not to draw attention to himself in Nisroch, he has had a few close-calls with Silent Enforcers; consequently, he generally prefers to limit himself to clandestine activities that take place on the trails outside the city... where he has the light of the stars to guide him, and is able to give the enforcers of the Umbral Court something to fear...

Suetonius is a pale-skinned human, with dark hair, a pronounced widow's peak, and proud, aquiline features.
At home, he generally dresses in reasonably comfortable attire, but out on the trails, or on the rare occasion that he is 'working' in an urban area, he comes fully prepared - clad in full plate, leaning on a staff of strange dark metal, and with a backpack bursting with supplies.
What few are aware of is that, hidden beneath his clothes, his body is criss-crossed with a network of fine scars - the most visible sign of his 'traditional' Nidalese upbringing, before he had his 'Road to Damascus' moment.
His constant companion is Arha, his black butterfly familiar, who generally does her best to be inconspicuous in town, but when she feels safe, happily flits around his head, occasionally playfully tousling his hair, and tickling his ears.

Suetonius maintains what are in effect two different personas - in public, he is a dutiful, quiet, morose young man, all the better to *not* draw attention to himself. Coupled with a healthy dose of paranoia (an essential survival trait for someone in his line of work), he is not quick to trust new people, knowing that actions speak far louder than words. However, in private, he is thoughtful, kind, and given to introspection; for those whom he really trusts, he would willingly travel to the ends of the Prime to assist them.

Ultimately, Suetonius would like to help the Desnans destabilize the death-grip that the Umbral Court of Zon-Kuthon has on the people of Nidal, but he understands that that will likely be a long process, which will probably not be completed in his lifetime. In the interim, he is happy to make their lives happier, and is more than willing to help some of them escape to other places, if they so desire.

For his own part, Suetonius is terrified that he will, one day, be captured by the Umbral Court; on some level, he can't help shake the feeling that he has betrayed his duty to his family, his ancestors, and his country (decades of indoctrination are not so easily cast aside, after all), and, perversely, that he *deserves* to be caught... but he knows that if that were to actually happen, he would most likely die of old age, before they were finished with torturing him. In the interim, he tries to assuage his guilt, and focus his resolve, with nightly acts of self-flagellation (both literal, and metaphorical), something which he tries to hide from all who know him (apart from Arha, of course, who does *not* approve, but still does her best to support him).

If he lives long enough to retire, he would like it to be somewhere up high, where on clear nights it would be possible to see vast distances, and dream of new journeys... and where he could grow large gardens of flowering plants, to attract as many butterflies as he can... something about their fluttering wings soothes him, helping to keep his inner demons and doubts quiescent.

Belt of Giant Strength +2 (4000)
Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2 (4000)
Traveller's Any Tool (250)

+2 Full Plate (5650)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000)

+1 Adamantine Lantern Staff (5015)
+1 Mighty [+6] Composite Longbow (3000)

Wand of CLW (750)
Wand of Bless (750)
Elixir of Spirit Sight (1000)
Lynx Eye Charm x2 (700)
Bottled Sunlight x2 (400)
Potion of Darkvision x3 (900)

MW Backpack (50)
Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath x2 (10)
Disguised Holy Text (100)
Locked Gauntlet (8)
Consecrated Weapon (+150)
Alchemist's Fire x5 (100)
Acid Flask x5 (50)
Liquid Ice x5 (200)
Cold Iron Durable Arrow x30 (60)

Belt Pouch (1)
Canteen (2)
Compass (10)
Familiar Satchel (25)
Flint and Steel (1)
Grappling Hook (1)
Oil Flask x10 (1)
Piton x10 (1)
100' Silk Rope (20)
Silver Holy Symbol (25)
Skeleton Key x2 (170)
Small Tent (10)
Portable Altar (250)
Spell Component Pouch x2 (10)
Explorer's Outfit (-)
Trail Rations x10 (5)
Smelling Salts (25)
Antiplague x2 (100)
Antitoxin x2 (100)
Holy Water x2 (50)
Small Silver Case containing Tindertwig x25 (50)

3500gp of Diamond Dust
250gp of Ruby Dust
250gp of Silver Dust


Arha, Emissary Butterfly Familiar 8:
NG Magical Beast
Init +1; Senses: 60' Darkvision, Scent; Perception +12, +20 if scent-based

AC: 19, Touch: 15, Flat-footed: 18 (10 + 1 Dex + 4 natural + 4 Size)

hp: 29/29

Fort: +13, Ref: +8, Will: +11

Speed 5 ft., Fly 30 ft. (Average)

Divine Guidance (Sp):

An emissary can cast Guidance at will.

Share Will (Su):

Whenever an emissary or its master fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect that affects only one of them, the other can attempt the saving throw as well. If this second saving throw is a success, treat the original result as a success, and the emissary and its master can’t use this ability again for 24 hours. On a failure, both the emissary and its master suffer the effects of the failed saving throw, even if one of them wouldn’t ordinarily be a valid target.

Domain Influence - Elysium’s Call (Su):
With a touch, you can imbue creatures with the spirit of Elysium, lifting their spirits and freeing them from bonds. The creatures touched can immediately reroll any failed saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (charm) and enchantment (compulsion) subschools. In addition, targets receive a +2 sacred bonus on such saving throws and a +2 sacred bonus on CMB checks to escape a grapple. Finally, targets can ignore up to 5 feet of difficult terrain each round, as if they had the Nimble Moves feat. These bonuses last for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (4), although the saving throw reroll only applies when the creature is touched. You can use this ability 1/day.

Str 1, Dex 13, Con 4, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 7
BAB +6; CMB -3; CMD 8
Skills: Acrobatics +1, Bluff -2, Climb -5, Diplomacy -2, Escape Artist +1, Fly +7, Intimidate -2, Knowledge(Religion) +6, Linguistics +2, Perception +12, Perform -2, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +2, Stealth +13, Survival +1, Swim -5
SQ: Improved Evasion, Empathic Link, Speak With Master, Speak With Butterflies
Languages: Aklo, Celestial, Shadowtongue (Can't Speak)