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Quick question for hex exploration-- there was a chart in the 1E Kingmaker book that listed off how many days it takes to fully explore a hex (page 57). Is there a similar chart for the 2E system?

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Bill Dunn wrote:

I like playing paladins and having them in the group when I GM. I think they're great fun to play. But some groups have problems with them that, as far as I'm concerned, boil down to problems less with the class and more with how people understand the paladin, his code, and good alignments in general.

Sometimes, a paladin is just a bad fit for a campaign. Skull and Shackles, where you're playing pirates, would be problematic for a paladin. Those situations are relatively easy to deal with and fairly obvious to the GM.

But the whole behavior code and requirement to be lawful good exposes a lot of player dysfunction - sometimes about alignment (alignment is not a straightjacket, good and lawful don't have to be perfect - a major pet peeve of mine), sometimes between players (getting all busybody with each other's business), and sometimes between GMs and players (creating catch 22 situations that screw the paladin). All of these are ultimately game dysfunctional behaviors and should be avoided except in limited circumstances as part of a good story (as opposed to a crappy story that dysfunctional games lead to).

Only ever ran into one Catch 22 situation with a Paladin. And it was clearly unintentional. The GM was having Drow raid a city above ground, and the party was to put an end to it, working alongside the Drow resistance which hated their current government, and wanted to end the surface raids. Thing is, they were still evil. They'd still be doing all the horrible things drow do, they just didn't care for the surface. My paladin couldn't justify overthrowing one government for another just as bad, but she also couldn't ignore the surface raids any longer.

Eventually, we got higher calling'd while the whole thing sorted itself out. I wasn't the only player playing a character who was unable to work with this revolution.

My Paladins tend to be less "GOOD FOR THE GOOD GOD!" and more good people whose powers come from the fact that they're good people.

A lot of GMs also misunderstand "Lawful".

"Paladins can't focus on archery. It's unfair to fight enemies from a distance."

Archery is totally fair game, and waaaay better for a defender of the people. Say an Orc raider wants to kill little Timmy. An armored, sword-wielding paladin can leap between them, sure. But then the Orc raider goes around Mr. Shiny and axes little Timmy. I can kill orc raider with arrows before he gets close. Also, hard to chase down evil if evil has more than a 25-foot movement speed.

"Paladins can't use disable device, lockpicking is inherently chaotic."

Paladins can totally use it. Disabling traps, opening dungeon doors, You do know having the key doesn't make forced entry into the next floor inherently more or less lawful, right?

"Paladins can't lie."

Yeah, this one's actually in the paladin's code, but I'd argue that in situations where information can be dangerous, Paladins have a right, a duty in fact, to at least not tell the whole truth. Going back to my previous story about the rebellion. Our higher calling got us sent back in time to keep the right people surviving a horrific tragedy that happened in the past. The paladin couldn't exactly tell people that she was a time traveler from the future, they'd have thought she was crazy, and that would've made helping more difficult. Instead, being a Kitsune, a race no one in the city had even heard of, she claimed that a similar calamity had been recorded in her people's history. This actually gave her credibility and authority on the matter.

"Paladins can't overlook crimes."

They totally can, depending on the crime, level of remorse, and how high the stakes are. Is the paladin really going to turn the rogue in for shoplifting when he may be able to help stop a warlock from taking over the world? Besides, maybe the Paladin things the rogue can change. He may have been a thief and a beggar himself before he was taken in by the church and saw the light. Perhaps saving this scoundrel's soul is his test.

The Paladin code is actually pretty sparse, and doesn't require you to screw over chaotic party mates. Evil party mates are another matter, but again, maybe your Paladin thinks that they can be redeemed.

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Athaleon wrote:

Party: "We have no obligation to help these people."

Paladin: "That's where you're wrong, kiddo."

I mean, sure. But you'd get the same argument from a Good-Aligned Wizard or Ranger. Or at least you should.

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Soo....I'm incorporating a lot of different Homebrews to create a perfect Saiyan Race. I'd love some feedback. Note, this is just the Saiyans as a race. For the ki blasting, flying and all that, I'm using the Ki Master class linked here: 6A (For some reason, posting it here breaks up the link)

Type: Humanoid (Saiyan) 0 RP
Size: Medium 0 RP
Ability Score Modifiers: (Specialized) +2 Str, +2 Con, –2 Int 1 RP
Languages: Standard 0 RP
Base Speed: Fast (40 ft.) 1 RP
Defense: Natural Armor +1 2 RP
Feats: Extra Ki (+2 ki points) or Wild Talent (+2 power points) 2 RP
Feats:Toughness 2 RP
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +2 bonus 2 RP
Skill Training: Acrobatics and Fly are always class skills 1 RP

Misc: Alternate Form (Oozaru) acts as extended beast shape III (huge ape form only [keeps tail]; triggers upon seeing full moon or spells that mimic moonlight) 3 RP
Weakness: In Oozaru Form she is considered to be in a frenzied state, unable to recognize friend from foe.
Weakness: A saiyan will revert back to base form if she is reduced to 0 HP or below, are knocked unconscious somehow, or has her tail destroyed. A saiyan's tail is 1/10 of her max HP. A saiyan cannot transform into Oozaru form if her tail is already destroyed.

Zenkai Boost: Whenever a Saiyan recovers from having a number of negative hit points equal half her constitution score or her character level, whichever is higher, she gains a permanent +1 enhancement bonus to a single physical ability score, to a maximum of +6 to each physical ability score. 2 RP

Misc: Prehensile Tail 1 RP
Weakness: Sensitive Tail (stunned if grabbed [Fort DC 20 negates]) -2 RP
Weakness: Saiyans eat 3 times the daily rations of a normal human. -1 RP

Mostly looking or feedback on a few things
1. How much should the drawbacks decrease the RP cost? Especially the Oozaru ones.
2. Zenkai boost seems...too good still. Not sure why it was listed as a 2 RP cost. Players can easily abuse it. Luckily, I plan for the Saiyan to be a GM PC.
3. Anything else that should be added, within reason.

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Air0r wrote:

I realized recently that I wanted a character to have a backstory that wasn't tragic, wasn't too unfortunate, or too goofy. I wanted to create a character who has a family, kids included and adventures specifically to provide for their family (and ensure that they are set for generations to come).

But, then it was pointed out that in order for that to work, the character would have to return home often in order to actually deliver the gold and actually bond with their family.
I sort of imagine it like real life military deployments (which can take months or possibly longer sometimes) but more self-planned and without the convenience of modern banking technology.
Anybody have thoughts on how this could (or couldn't) work? Especially at lower levels?

It totally works. Just don't spend too much time focusing on them if you want them to live. Seriously, the more deadbeat you are, the better for their safety. Some GMs can be sadistic if you don't specifically work out that you don't want your family's deaths to become a story point.

Despite this, I usually give my character surviving family members. Brothers, sisters, parents. Even played a married Vampire once, his husband was a Paladin.

Honestly, you can totally say that you're sending back a bit of gold to your family every so often, and it shouldn't set you back too far treasure-wise. After all, even low-level adventurers are typically making bank.

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VampByDay wrote:
Sarvis the Buck wrote:

I get that you might be looking for more official stuff, But I cannot stress the awesomeness of this homebrew Ki Master class The Loading Crew made for MasakoX in their Sands of Sala'Bhim Campaign. If you're looking for DBZ, this IS it. Ex6A/edit

Link doesn't work

Right, forgot how Google Docs was. Try this: Ex6A/edit?usp=sharing&authuser=1

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I get that you might be looking for more official stuff, But I cannot stress the awesomeness of this homebrew Ki Master class The Loading Crew made for MasakoX in their Sands of Sala'Bhim Campaign. If you're looking for DBZ, this IS it. Ex6A/edit

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Blymurkla wrote:

The Magical Medieval Society: City Guide has a section on buildings, namely how much they cost and what time it takes. There's also some support for the cost of workers. It's a great book, all in all.

Having a brothel be priced similarly to an inn sounds about right. A large house with common areas as well as several smaller rooms. Several employees. Yeah, that'll work.

By the way, I'm loving the idea.

Actually, from my planning with another party member, it's moving from "Gay Brothel" to "Brothel City"