Kaerishiel Neirenar

Stormreaver's page

48 posts. Alias of Thron.


Wounds: 0 | Pace: 6" | Parry: 6 (8) | Toughness: 7 (10) | Concentration: -3 | Bennies: 3

About Stormreaver

Reference Image

Race: Taiga Elf
Rank: Novice
XP: 0
Glory: 0

Strength: d6
Agility: d12
Vigor: d6 (d10)
Smarts: d4
Spirit: d6

Parry: 6 / 8
Toughness: 5 (8) / 7 (10)
Pace: 6"
Charisma: -2 (0 with elves)

Fighting: d8 (d12)
Shooting: d8 (d12)
Notice: d6
Survival: d4
Tracking: d4
Faith: d6 (3 maintained spells)
Stealth: d4
Streetwise: d4
Persuasion: d4

Melee: Longsword (d6+d8), Dagger (d6+d4)
Ranged: Bow (2d6), 12/24/48
Arrows (20): Outdoors recover 4-6, Underground/Indoors recover 5-6.

Boost/Lower Trait
Beast Friend

Spells Maintained:
Boost: Shooting
Boost: Vigor
Boost: Fighting (would drop this if need to boost a different trait)

Taiga Elf


Agile: Taiga elves are graceful and agile. They start with a d6 in Agility instead of a d4. Through advances and Edges, they can have a maximum Agility of d12+3.

Forest-Born (Racial): Taiga elves suffer no penalties for difficult ground in forests. When using the Overland Pace system, they treat such terrain as one category lower.

Low Light Vision (Racial): Like their temperate kin, taiga elves have cat-like eyes and so can ignore lighting penalties for all but Pitch Darkness.

Natural Realms (Racial): Taiga elves who become druids treat Elfhomes as wilds, not urban areas.

Winter Soul (Racial): Taiga elves have +2 to Vigor saves to resist the effects of cold weather, and +2 Armor to resist the affects of cold, coldfire, or ice attacks.

Arcane Background, Miracles (Eostre Animalmother): Starting Powers: Boost/Lower Trait, Feast, Beast Friend.

Connections (AB: Miracles, Eostre): To use a character's Connection requires that she first get in touch with one of her contacts. This requires a Streetwise roll. Failure means the particular contact wasn't available.

Once in contact, the hero must make a Persuasion roll. The GM should feel free to modify both the Persuasion roll and any results based on the circumstances.

A failure indicates the heroine's contacts just couldn't come through this time, or perhaps just weren't persuaded that their help was really necessary.

On a success, the contact might share information, but won't do anything too risky to help.

On a raise, the contact is willing to leak sensitive information, but stops short of outright betrayal.

Two or more raises means the heroine has pushed the right buttons and can count on serious help. The Connection will risk serious consequences for the heroine. If she needs financial assistance, the contact my provide a little more than he's comfortable with. If the heroine asks for muscle, the contact delivers either one expert (a safe-cracker, wheel-man, security expert, etc.) or five average fighter-types for the contact's particular organization (a mob boss sends five thugs, the Army sends five infantrymen, etc.)

Rich (Fate): Rich heroes start with three times the normal starting funds for the setting.


All Thumbs (Racial): Taiga elves have an inbred dislike of mechanical objects (including crossbows). They have the All Thumbs Hindrance.

Heat Lethargy (Racial): Taiga elves become lethargic at temperatures of 53 degrees or higher. They have a -1 to all trait rolls in such temperatures.

Insular (Racial): Taiga elves rarely dabble in the affairs of other races. They have a -2 Charisma when dealing with all races except elves.

Vengeful (Major): Your character always attempts to right a wrong he feels was done to him. He will kill to see it done.

Loyal (Minor): Your character may not be a hero, but he'd give his life for his friends. This character can never leave a man behind if there's any chance at all he could help.

Cautious (Minor): Some folks gather too much intelligence. This character personifies over-cautiousness. He never makes rash decisions and likes to plot things out in detail long before any action is taken.

Orders (AB: Miracles, Eostre): While the character may have his own plans, he ultimately serves another power (Eostre Animalmother, Reapers) and is expected to follow orders when they are issued. A hero with this Hindrance may be an agent for a noble, a soldier in the Iron Guild, or a mercenary under contract, for instance.


Standard Arrow (53)
Blessed Armor
Full Helmet
Flint and Steel
Winter Clothing
Coin: 28

War Dog, Winterfang:

The stats below are for large attack dogs, such as Rottweilers and Doberman Pinschers, as well as wolves, hyenas, and the like.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6, Notice d10
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4 (5)
Special Abilities
• Bite: Str+1.
• Fleet Footed: Dogs roll a d10 when running instead ofad6.
• Go for the Throat: Dogs instinctively go for an opponent’s soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it hits the target’s most weakly-armored location.
• Size -1: Dogs are relatively small creatures.
Gear: Leather Barding

Riding Horse:
Riding horses are medium-sized animals that manage a good compromise between speed and carrying capacity.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d6, Notice d6
Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 8
Special Abilities
• Fleet Footed: Horses roll a d8 when running instead of a d6.
• Kick: Str.
• Size +2: Riding horses weigh between 800 and 1000 pounds.

Gear: Standard Saddle